May 13th Sat Rides

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Chris Michels

May 12, 2023, 1:54:24 AM5/12/23
to Houston Randonneurs
This Saturday w Houston Randonneurs will be hosting ACP 200k, 400k, and 600k rides.

although that 600k has the start at La Quinta on I-10 and a finish at Brookshire police station the official start and finish is La Quinta. 

Please make sure that if you plan on riding this weekend that you have proper reflective gear, to include tail lights, head lights, and reflective jacket / vest.

Right now Epic Ride weather is telling me to bring rain gear, it looks like this weekend will be wet. 
high temperature is 84 degrees however with our humidity it's going to feel like it is in the 90's so stay hydrated.

I look forward to seeing everyone this weekend.

Please remember that at the end of the ride to 
Email your results to Alison and myself. Alison so she can submit your results to RUSA so you get credit, and me so I know that everyone has finished safely, and I can go home without sending out search parties.

Looking forward to it.

Chris Michels
4386 RUSA#

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