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William Fraser on Hackaday - DIY Solar Kayak

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Marcus Dekenah

Dec 7, 2018, 11:21:15 AM12/7/18
to house4hack
Hi there ,

William Fraser used to be at H4H, moved to Port Elizabeth a few years back, running a big CNC router in the back room.

He's an aero-engineer, very involved with the design/manufacture of SA's "Sling" planes but now mostly builds boats, sails well and fishes even better.
William started a youtube channel of his exploits, not least... being a series how to build a Kayak from single sheet of plywood. Good watching.

Recently he built a waterproof underwater motor-drive onto his home-built kayak, and kitted it out with solar panels and some pontoons.
Every year NMMU has a race for such electric boats on inland water.  This year, William put in a good showing on his first attempt.

This project has been featured on Hackaday, Article here

Solar boat.png

There are also videos on his Fraser channel here

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