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Leobot Electronics - Electronic Components South Africa

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Leobot Electronics

Aug 22, 2019, 10:57:07 AM8/22/19
to house4hack

As much as I dislike marketing, I feel it is appropriate in this group so I will keep it as short as possible:
I would just like to introduce my humble SA Electronics shop, Leobot Electronics ( have a wide variety of products at low prices. If you need anything imported or something that you want us to find at a lower price feel free to get in contact any time.

Kind Regards
Leon Botha
Leobot Electronics

Brian Tristam Williams

Aug 23, 2019, 5:19:39 AM8/23/19
to house4hack
Nice site, good prices, but I would be careful about selling knock-off products as originals. The UNO you're selling is not an Arduino product. But for R99,00 it's a great price.
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