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BinarySpace High Altitude Balloon Launch - Binary-04 - 4 Aug 2018

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Tom Van den Bon

Aug 3, 2018, 5:34:43 AM8/3/18
to,, Riaan Greeff, Derek White, Matthew Varkevisser, Devin Pearson, Schalk Heunis, Richard Morgan, Kevin Trethewey, Kriek, Christo (CJ), Candice Mesk, Retha Fitchat, Hanno Smit, Chris Gryffenberg, Michael Bernhardt, Andries Smuts, Wilhelm Wolff - Business Connexion,, Hans, Dr Gary Immelman, Liv,,, Christopher Zinn,,, Hannes P. Coetzee, M!a van Zyl, Ernst Alex
Hi Everybody,

We are doing another High Altitude Balloon Launch on the 4th of August (Saturday). Everybody is invited to join us for the day to launch and chase the balloon. We will be launching from the NWU Vaal Triangle Campus in Vanderbijlpark

This launch is all about the data, we have a multitude of sensors connected to a Lora blackbox that will both log and transmit the data during the flight. 

The flight prediction for this flight a bit rough and indicates that the balloon will come down about 220km from the launch site. We are hoping to bring the payload down a bit earlier with our payload seperation system. If the failsafe fails then we have a bit more driving to do. The main chase vehicles can also be tracked on aprs (ZR6TG, ZS6MDV and ZR6MUG)

The SSTV camera was popular last time and we are flying it again, this time with a better bracket to hold the camera in place (so hopefully less transmitted images of the inside of the payload). QSL cards will be sent to all radio amateur participants that receive and decode SSTV images. The SSTV camera will point outward and we are hoping for some great views.

Our gopro for this launch will be pointing upwards to the balloon for this one as we want footage of the payload release system, or if that fails of the balloon bursting.

This launch will also contain 3 additional third party payloads:

- MakerLabs Science Payload - Various sensors that will be logged. (
- Matthew Varkevisser - ZS6MDV - Parrot Repeater listening on 145.525 and is activated with a 88.5hz tone
- Michael Bernhardt - ZR6MUG - GoPro + ZCoin Logo

Previous Launches: 
9 June 2018 

About the Mission - Binary 04

Equipment on this flight:

SSTV Camera Transmitter (400mW-500mW) - Will take a photo and transmit it every 5 minutes. 
Transmitted on 144.500 FM, Martin 1 Mode
You can use MMSSTV to decode (

Lora BlackBox Telemetry Transmitter (100mW) - Will transmit telemetry data continuously

Sensors include pressure, temperature (inside, outside), humidity, gps. All data will also be logged locally on sd card for retrieval

APRS Transmitter (300mW) - Will transmit position and altitude every minute

Technical Info: 
Callsign: ZR6TG-11
Transmitted on 144.800

We will also have the following on the payload:

1x Gopro camera
1x Science Lab (Raspberry pi based with lots of sensors) designed and deployed by
1x Payload Seperation Fail Safe
1x Data Blackbox

Sasolburg Amateur Radio Club (ZS4SRK) will join us with the tracking and recovery of the payload. As usual all amateur radio enthusiasts everywhere are invited to come play with us :)

Please also share to any Amateur Radio Groups/Clubs
We are using a 1000g balloon (white). We are estimating a 3 hour mission from launch to recovery.

We have the following challenges happening during the launch:

(1) First person to recover the payload gets a box of craft beer (from
(2) Footage of the Payload coming down will be rewarded with 1 box of craft beer (from
(3) Special Awards (QSL Cards) will be given to everyone who captures the SSTV images. Please mail tvdbon@gmail with the decoded information, time of transmission (bonus if you can provide a recorded sound clip) and your location and equipment used (optional)

Primary launch window: August 4 2018 - 7:00 (we start setting up somewhere around 6:15)

Depending on weather or technical difficulties the launch and/or the payload contents can change at any time, check the telegram group for up to date information:

Telegram group used for tracking and comms:

Launch Site: North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, Vanderbijlpark - 1174 Hendrick Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 1900

Fun Facts:

This will be the 4th BinarySpace High Altitude Balloon Launch
This will be the 4th launch using the Trackduino APRS tracker
This will be the 1st launch at the North West University Vaal Triangle Campus
This will be the 3rd launch utilizing new homebrew tracking equipment
This will be the 2nd launch with SSTV camera
This will be the 1st launch with Lora Black Box + Telemetry
This will be the 1st launch with Thirdparty Launches

Everybody is welcome to come and join us :)

Tom Van den Bon 

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