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h4h "year end function" 2017/12/12

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Kobus Van der Walt

Nov 30, 2017, 10:37:49 AM11/30/17
to house4hack
good afternoon
After a brief organizing discussion with Schalk (Thanks for the prod Rosario) we decided that 2017/12/12 would be a great date for a "year end " function.

The plan is - same as last year - Simple, tested and predictable. Bring + braai (bring a couple of beers\cooldrink as well) + There are very little cutlery - so please bring your own. I will remember paper plates for those that forget.

Maybe you can bring some interesting projects to show off? This is more a social event.  
i will post on the telegram group as well.


Beer!! - been a long time since i posted on the group.. full sentence habit is not yet production ready.. damn :) functioning well
The quotation marks is for .. time does not stop.. so year end is just a mile stone..
And Dec i am in Centurion.. so might continue Tuesday evenings .. :)
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