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Artemis Platz

Dec 17, 2023, 8:41:44 PM12/17/23
to hotpotatoesusers
Hi, I'm writing an article on quiz creation tools for education  and was going to include Hot Potatoes V7. But it seem that the software is no longer supported, is that correct? And since it requires a download, I'm concerned about possible malware/malicious code infecting users' computers. Can anyone comment on that issue? Thanks! 

Martin Holmes

Dec 17, 2023, 10:07:38 PM12/17/23
Hi there,

This Google group provides support for Hot Potatoes v7. The download is
available from, and has been available from the
same home page since 1998. The Humanities Computing and Media Centre at
the University of Victoria controls that subdomain, and I'm the author
of Hot Potatoes 7 (and every other Windows version going back to 1998).
I don't know why anyone would think it's any more risky now that it was
in the past, but the download/installer is not signed, and will never
be; that costs quite a bit of money and we get no income from it now.

The software used to be commercial -- you had to pay for a license --
and during that time, we provided guaranteed technical support. We
stopped selling licenses and made it publicly available in 2009, and
since that time we (myself and Stewart Arneil, who wrote the Mac and
Java versions) have provided some technical support on this forum when
we have time, although nowadays the best support comes from the other
users here, who are more active than we are.

I'd say that on balance, you would get better support for Hot Potatoes
on this group than you will get for many expensive pieces of commercial
software out there. But it is all voluntary and based on good will.

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