JMatch and Show a limited number of questions each time the page loads

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Robin Reeves

Nov 25, 2023, 5:20:05 PM11/25/23
to hotpotatoesusers

I've put together a JMatch with just over 30 rows. On the left-hand side of each row I have put a different piece of small talk conversation and in the right-hand side of each row I have put a "?" sign.

I want to use the JMatch so that it produces just 1 randomly chosen piece of small talk for a team of pupils and the other team has to make up a suitable reply.

I have found that JMatch won't let me limit the number to just one row, or two rows but it will work if I choose three or more 'questions'.  If I choose 1 or 2 then it displays all my 30 rows in the web page. 

Is there anywhere in the code that I could make it work with 1 or 2 rows please?

I've tried it with the default HP7 interface and source files and also with the same for Agnès' HP7+.

Many thanks,

Martin Holmes

Nov 25, 2023, 6:15:24 PM11/25/23
Hi Robin,

JMatch is for matching exercises; that is, the user is supposed to be
presented with a set of items, and a set of matching items, and
determine which matching item on the right goes with which item on the
left. So I presume that's why we limited the number to 3, because fewer
than that would be almost pointless as an exercise. But the interface
does allow you to select fewer than that, so that's a bug.

But I think, based on your description, what you want to do is nothing
to do with matching at all; it's more like a JQuiz exercise, and in
JQuiz you can just choose short answer questions and configure it to
show one question at a time.

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Martin Holmes

Nov 25, 2023, 6:21:19 PM11/25/23
This is the bug in the JavaScript if you want to work around it:

//Reduce the items as required. Sanity check: don't allow less than 2.
if (this.ItemsToShow > 2){
The comment tells you the logic is wrong; it should be >= 2. But if you
set that to zero, and you also manually edit this:

var QsToShow = 3;

and set it to one; and you also edit this:

var V7JsonEx = '{ "ShuffleLeftItems": false, "IsSimple": true,
"ItemsToShow": 3, ...

and set it to one, you'll get one option.


Martin Holmes

Nov 25, 2023, 7:41:08 PM11/25/23
to Robin Reeves,
JQuiz can also randomly pick a question to show. You can configure it to
show one random question each time it loads.


On 2023-11-25 11:16, Robin Reeves wrote:
> Thank you very much Martin.
> I really want to use JMatch because of its ability to randomly pick a
> question.
> I'll have a go. I've looked at the results for 3 'questions' and this
> would allow the pupils which of the 3 they choose to start a conversation.
> I'll get back to you. Thanks again.
> Robin
> Sent from Outlook for Android <>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* 'Martin Holmes' via hotpotatoesusers
> <>
> *Sent:* Saturday, November 25, 2023 6:21:13 PM
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* Re: [hotpotatoesusers] JMatch and Show a limited number of
> questions each time the page loads
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Martin Holmes

Nov 28, 2023, 4:19:42 PM11/28/23
to Robin Reeves,
Hi there,

WebRhubarb can only handle plain text, I'm afraid. It would assume the
HTML tags are words that the student should guess.


On 2023-11-28 03:45, Robin Reeves wrote:
> Thanks again Martin. I've tried it with 1, 2 and 3 questions now and I
> think that for the purpose I'm using it for I'll probably have 2
> question. One gives no choice to the students, three probably gives them
> too much.
> Thanks for reminding me about the random feature in JQuiz.
> On another track: I know this was not the original purpose of the
> program but if I use WebRhubarb to create several one line sentences and
> then I make them into an <ol> element containing <li> elements as in
> your instructions for JCloze Shuffle, would WebRhubarb behave in a
> similar way to JCloze (but with *s instead of gaps) and give me a
> different order after a refresh? I'll try it but I just wondered if that
> would make any of the code stop working?
> Thanks again.
> Robin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Martin Holmes <>
> *Sent:* 25 November 2023 19:41
> *To:* Robin Reeves <>;
> <>
> *Subject:* Re: [hotpotatoesusers] JMatch and Show a limited number of
> questions each time the page loads
> JQuiz can also randomly pick a question to show. You can configure it to
> show one random question each time it loads.
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On 2023-11-25 11:16, Robin Reeves wrote:
>> Thank you very much Martin.
>> I really want to use JMatch because of its ability to randomly pick a
>> question.
>> I'll have a go. I've looked at the results for 3 'questions' and this
>> would allow the pupils which of the 3 they choose to start a conversation.
>> I'll get back to you. Thanks again.
>> Robin
>> Sent from Outlook for Android < <>>
>>>> <> < <>> < < <>>>.
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Norval Bard

Dec 5, 2023, 2:00:41 PM12/5/23
A number of years ago, I’m pretty sure this group helped me solve this problem, but I’ve recently returned to HP and cannot remember how to fix it.  The issue is that HP marks all of my students’ use of apostrophes as wrong.   They’re working in French, so it’s a big deal.

I create the activities in Windows (on a Mac running Parallels), using a US International-PC keyboard.   I have tried typing the apostrophes using different keyboard layouts and pasting them into the “Always include these characters on the keyboard” field under Configuration/Other.

How do I get past this?

Norval Bard

Dec 5, 2023, 2:47:59 PM12/5/23
to Norval Bard,

Hi Norval,


What device are your students using?  The only situation where I have come across this is on iPads.  Apple decided for some reason to make iPads use curly apostrophes by default. All other computer systems use straight apostrophes.  My webpage here explains this problem:


Where pupils have to insert an accent (e.g. j’ai), I also add an alternative answer as j’ai using the ALT + 0146 code.  It then accepts both answers as correct. 


I hope this helps.





Andrew Balaam

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Agnès S.

Dec 5, 2023, 4:09:05 PM12/5/23

Usually the problem comes with curly apostrophes.
Either you used curly apostrophes when creating the exercise and the
students use straight apostrophes.
Or you used straight apostrophes when creating the exercise and the
students use curly apostrophes (that was the case with Safary on iPad).
Could you send a link to an exercise ?

Agnès S.
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Martin Holmes

Dec 5, 2023, 4:31:28 PM12/5/23
HI Norval,

Could you post an example exercise on the Web so we can see it?

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Norval Bard

Dec 5, 2023, 5:33:36 PM12/5/23
to, Martin Holmes
Hi Martin,
Thank you for the quick follow up.  In trying to create a quick test for you to see the problem, I discovered that it only occurs when I create a SCORM package and deliver it through our LMS (Canvas). 

I’m thinking this may help to identify the problem.

Norval Bard
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Martin Holmes

Dec 5, 2023, 6:17:04 PM12/5/23
So if you create and serve the exercise outside of Canvas, there's no
problem? In that case, I would suggest that this is a Canvas issue, and
you should contact their technical support for help with it.


On 2023-12-05 09:33, Norval Bard wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Thank you for the quick follow up.  In trying to create a quick test for
> you to see the problem, I discovered that it only occurs when I create a
> SCORM package and deliver it through our LMS (Canvas).
> I’m thinking this may help to identify the problem.
> Best,
> Norval
> --
> Norval Bard
> On December 5, 2023 at 10:31:28, 'Martin Holmes' via hotpotatoesusers
> (
> <>) wrote:
>> HI Norval,
>> Could you post an example exercise on the Web so we can see it?
>> Cheers,
>> Martin
>> On 2023-12-05 06:00, Norval Bard wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > A number of years ago, I’m pretty sure this group helped me solve this
>> > problem, but I’ve recently returned to HP and cannot remember how to fix
>> > it.  The issue is that HP marks all of my students’ use of apostrophes
>> > as wrong.   They’re working in French, so it’s a big deal.
>> >
>> > I create the activities in Windows (on a Mac running Parallels), using a
>> > US International-PC keyboard.   I have tried typing the apostrophes
>> > using different keyboard layouts and pasting them into the “Always
>> > include these characters on the keyboard” field under Configuration/Other.
>> >
>> > How do I get past this?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Norval Bard
>> >
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