Qusetion about how to use hotnet2 based on my data and error when using python makeRequiredPPRFiles

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BL Gao

Apr 5, 2018, 1:56:02 AM4/5/18
to HotNet

Hi  author
        There are two questions that need your help .
        The first, i  have two files, one of which is the gene I want to analyze, and the other is the human PPI data downloaded from the string database.
I don't know how to run my data explicitly based on hotnet2, so please tell me exactly what to do.
Secondly,An error occurred when I read the OLD-README.md file and prepare to create influence matrices.
        command line : python makeRequiredPPRFiles.py @influence_matrices/irefindex.config
       error : python: can't open file 'makeRequiredPPRFiles.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Please give me some help
Thanks a lot !

BL Gao


Apr 8, 2018, 6:07:51 PM4/8/18
to HotNet

Please consult the paper/paper_commands.sh script in the HotNet2 GitHub repository.  It provides example commands with example data.  In particular, the makeRequiredPPRFiles.py script is from a previous version of the HotNet2 code, so please try the commands in paper/paper_commands.sh script.  Also, please consult previous posts in the HotNet Google Groups about formatting data for HotNet2.

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