Recent Google Hotel Finder Updates

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Jason Price

Jul 19, 2013, 3:09:33 PM7/19/13
Google has launched some interesting updates to the Hotel Finder program. For those items able to be disclosed we are happy to share in the list below. 
1) If you submit a hotel for indexing then be prepared to wait. Expect four to six weeks turnaround from when you submit for indexing to be actually indexed. The time delay has to do with processing and matching the data in Google Maps. As has been suggested in recent articles, Google Maps is playing a significant role in Google's travel strategy. 
2) Google does not intend to bridge all travel components under one tab. While this would certainly boost usage and provide more exposure to Google as a travel player, there is nothing short or long term to suggest travel will be treated differently in how one gets to Hotel Finder or Flights or any other travel vertical. I find this to be a disappointment as it would help the user to have one page with all travel needs provided. Imagine a personal page with Google Maps, Flight, Hotel Finder, Wallet, Calendar, Contacts,  Google + all tied to Mobile in a unified and organized travel channel. Maybe in Google + we can access the travel tab? It would not only be practical but also a lot of fun.  
3) An upcoming change to Hotel Finder will be the inclusion of packages (bed and breakfast) or bundling of room description with an enhancement. The unique content will help the hotel differentiate from the OTAs and provide value beyond just a room rate.
4) The final piece of information we can share with Hotel Finder has to with Mobile. The recent noise from analyst on Google not meeting its quarterly expectations had to do with the increase in mobile usage and impact on ad revenues. The UX for mobile on Hotel Finder will be released soon and will expect to capitalize on the mobile, transient audience, the business traveler, and the last minute decision-maker. Google is looking to new ways to monetize traffic and a Hotel Finder version for mobile while nice will not capture the shortfalls, especially given the current delays in indexing and other challenges Google still has to overcome in Hotel Finder.
If anyone has something to share, please feel free to contribute.
Jason Price
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