Hotel Finder Updates - October 15, 2013

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Jason Price

Oct 16, 2013, 3:04:41 PM10/16/13
For active users of Google Hotel Finder you may have noticed a number of changes to the program. A summary of the more interesting updates are described below with the understanding that, as anything in digital marketing goes, is subject to change. 

1. Local Universal Intent - The results from a typical keyword search in Google is called "local universal." The local universal results are organic results from a natural search. With the growth in Google travel, the organic results may now differ based on intent of search. Therefore, the hotel pricing ad may or may not appear based on the intent of the user defined by the keywords. Therefore, if the user is looking for a specific hotel by name "New York Palace" then the Google Hotel Finder ad displaying the real time rate will appear. If the search was generic "Hotel in New York City" then hotels listed in the organic results will not have specific pricing ads. 

2. Fall within a certain rate range - The listing of hotels on Hotel Finder is based on lowest rate and the bid amount. Those advertisers with the lowest rate comes first and then the amount willing to bid comes second. It is not unlikely to find a higher rate listed first by outbidding the lower rate advertiser. What should be noticeable however is that all are within a certain range in rate and overall cost. It is not clear beyond this point what further dictates the order other than the two known pieces, rate and bid amount. 

3. Mobile Experience - Google remains quiet on the extent on mobile and travel as it relates to HPA. Rest assured this is no small undertaking that Google is attempting and all points to potential success. One area worth noting is Google's intent to boost the mobile experience as much as possible. 

4. Running Average of Rate - Note the table that displays the historical rate for the hotel. It is a handy feature to sell more room nights to the customer. "If I stay for the weekend then it seems I may be paying a lower rate." 

5. Indexing of Hotels - HeBS Digital has been able to cut the on boarding time by two weeks. This has to do with our efficencies with hotels and Google. The delays in on boarding clients on Google's side has frustrated the industry. Fortunately we have been able to fast-track clients to go live on Google Hotel Finder in short order.

As always, we love to hear from you and the field. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have anything to share.  
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