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Docker swarm services not reporting with health check enabled

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Larry Henry

Feb 27, 2018, 6:42:58 PM2/27/18
to Host-sFlow
I’m using docker 17.12 in swarm mode on Centos 7.x and hsflow 2.0.11, and I’ve discovered that containers not using health check config are reporting metrics just fine, but containers that are using health checks are not reporting in sflow-rt. Is this expected behavior or a bug, and is there a workaround?

Neil McKee

Mar 8, 2018, 2:38:33 PM3/8/18
to Larry Henry, Host-sFlow
The latest hsflowd release (version 2.0.15) now specifies a Docker API version number (v1.24) when it makes requests to docker.sock.  On the platforms I have tried it on (such as Fedora 27) this was necessary to get any data at all.  However it seems to work whether heathcheck is on or off, so I'm not sure if this will fix what you are seeing or not.  Definitely worth a try, though.  So please upgrade hsflowd to 2.0.15 and let me know if that helps.


Neil McKee
InMon Corp.

On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 3:42 PM, Larry Henry <> wrote:
I’m using docker 17.12 in swarm mode on Centos 7.x and hsflow 2.0.11, and I’ve discovered that containers not using health check config are reporting metrics just fine, but containers that are using health checks are not reporting in sflow-rt. Is this expected behavior or a bug, and is there a workaround?

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