DrStrongHeart and the Jewels of the Isles Quest

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Mar 25, 2022, 7:30:36 PM3/25/22
to Horse Isle 2 Help
Hello all, TheLantern here.

I'm beginning this conversation in order to seek assistance with a quest I started several hours ago. The quest is titled "DrStrongHeart and the Jewels of the Isles Quest" and probably counts among the PlainTon quests.

Essentially a player acquires a riddle chest from PlainTon Mayor DrStrongHeart in the PlainTon City Hall, and I'm having a bear of a time trying to solve its riddle. The riddle is as follows:

"Good luck, daring explorer.
You need not bother with this quest
For you'll disturb a past land's rest
A bespectacled creature awaits you first
His challenge is far from the worst
There are six keys you must find
That will thence unlock the bind
Of the reward you're sent to seek
And yet your path will still be bleak
Because your starting such a quest
Will surely set the greatest test."

I thought the "disturb a past land's rest" part had something to do with the Decay-related isles, or perhaps Ancient Isle, but I haven't found anything that validates that idea even after combing all those islands and their buildings (including the haunted houses). My next attempt will be finding a "bespectacled creature," which I'm guessing is a non-human with glasses of some kind. Based on the "his" pronoun, I'm guessing that creature is male, but we'll see what (or who) I can find. I intend to provide updates as I go on.

I can't seem to find any information about this quest anywhere else online. Does anyone have any tips for solving this quest? Any help, even new ideas for solving it, would be much appreciated.

Many thanks and well-wishes,

[P.S: I go by the same username on HI2, so if we're online at the same time feel free to say hi! :)]


Mar 26, 2022, 8:49:50 AM3/26/22
to Horse Isle 2 Help
Good news all! I found some information regarding the quest. As it so happens, I found the very "bespectacled creature" I intended to find! [NOTE: From this point forward in this post, there will be SPOILERS for this quest!]

The creature I found is a squirrel who wears glasses and goes by the name AphroditeGuardian, which is precisely what they are - the creature set to guard the location for Aphrodite the Esroh. I found them on Birch Isle by chance while looking for another set of items, and found that they were the creature the quest intends the player to ask about the riddle chest. In asking them about said riddle, they responded like so:

"The first jewel lies in a jungle of palm trees. You'll need to rake ... close to the little hut on that isle. Or was it near a big bush?"

I know for a fact the isle they're talking about is Coconut Isle, as I've been there before and it fits that description perfectly. I'm going to look there and follow the instructions given to me. I also intend to update as I continue onwards.


[P.S: For those of you who do not know how to reach Coconut Isle, simply bring 100 coconuts to the NPC standing on the far west shore of Twin Forest Isle, south of the lighthouse. Good Luck!]


Nov 28, 2022, 9:08:17 PM11/28/22
to Horse Isle 2 Help
Hello all.

Thank you for your patience in awaiting my update for this quest; it's been a hectic few months for me, so I haven't had the opportunity to revisit Horse Isle in some time. The good news is that I did make progress on this quest before taking a break. I took lots of notes on how I completed it, so I'll share those notes with you all in this reply to the best of my ability. As previously stated, there will be SPOILERS for this quest from this point forward.

First Jewel:
I left off by noting that the first jewel is hidden on Coconut Isle, around the little hut or a large bush. By raking near and around both of those items, I was able to find the first jewel.

Second Jewel:
I brought the first jewel back to AphroditeGuardian on Birch Isle, who told me that "The second jewel is hidden in a tunnel of seven rocks covered with corals, with seven seaweed stalks distributed between them ... it was hidden between the corals. Or was it between the seaweeds? No, it was next to the sea stars. On second thought ... you'll have to search around ... you should be able to see it with your magnifying glass," and also, "This reef leads to an isle which has some sort of grass."

I was able to work out that the second jewel is in Harbor Reef (off of Narrowed Isle), in the southernmost tunnel running from East to West. Scrounge around with your magnifying glass in that tunnel and you should be able to find the jewel. Obviously, you'll need a diving helmet for this task, so you'll want to acquire one before you're able to enter the reef.

Third Jewel:
After bringing the second jewel back to AphroditeGuardian, I was told that "The third jewel was entrusted to a child to hide. She might have died of old age, but she befriended one of the settlers. She helped her build a kennel that later turned into a pet shop." For this reason, I checked various pet shops until I found the correct one: PlainTon Pets, where NewLeashLass works.

Speak to NewLeashLass. She will tell you that she wants lunch and cold water from PlainTon's Inn, so speak to the Innkeeper there to grab those items and bring them back to her. After bringing her lunch, NewLeashLass told me that the third stone "looked like a cloud" and was hidden "in a clump of bushes that produce the fruit she likes the most." Apparently, her mom "loved strawberries the most ... she and her friend used to collect and eat strawberries on Line Isle."

I found the third stone afterwards by using the rake on the large grove of strawberry bushes at the southeastern end of Line Isle.

Fourth Jewel:
I brought the third jewel back to NewLeashLass at PlainTon Pets, who told me the fourth jewel's clue had to do with "an old wagon owner on Prairie Isle ... he found a flower made of stone ... his son took over the wagon when his father got too old to run it by himself." NewLeashLass asked me to come back and tell her what was in DrStrongHeart's jewel chest after I find out.

The next step was to visit MrWagonWheel on Prairie Isle, at the wagon next to the southern rowboat. He told me "it was somewhere on Brown Isle," but before he can show you a map, you'll have to deliver two bouquets: one to a livery owner previously named "Strawy" (MrStrawSon in the MeadowTon livery), and one in AngleTon who loves cooking (LadyParmigiana in the AngleTon Inn).

Once I finished those deliveries, I returned to Prairie Isle to speak to MrWagonWheel again, then I used the magnifying glass around his wagon. I managed to find a map drawn in the wagon that depicts "a large clump of marigold flowers ... about six marigold plants, but maybe there's more." I travelled to Brown Isle and used a magnifying lens on a dense clump of marigold plants near the southeast part of the isle.

Fifth Jewel:
After finding the fourth jewel and showing it to MrWagonWheel, he admitted that he does not know the location of the fifth jewel. I returned to AphroditeGuardian on Birch Isle and spoke to them. I was told the fifth jewel "used to be hidden on [Birch] Isle somewhere between five colorful rose bushes. It was taken though, and [AphroditeGuardian] never heard of it since then." The rose bushes are on the south part of Birch Isle, but magnifying, raking, and shoveling around them does nothing, so don't waste your time with it. Instead, go speak to DrStrongHeart at PlainTon City Hall to ask for her help in finding the fifth jewel. She'll tell you to speak to ProfMarathon.

ProfMarathon at AngleTon City Hall told me that she found the fifth jewel, but kept it in a safe at the AngleTon Bank. She will recommend you either come back to speak to her in one hour, or speak to MadamHighFinance at the bank yourself. I chose to speak to MadamHighFinance at the AngleTon Bank, who said that she cannot just hand over ProfMarathon's package and that she would instead give me a form for ProfMarathon to sign. I spoke to ProfMarathon about the form, and then returned to MadamHighFinance. Upon my return, MadamHighFinance found that the package is missing. She told me to speak to ProfSpiral, as they would have been the last person to see the package.

ProfSpiral at the Blue Mountain Observatory admitted to having taken the package for study, and that she left it in one of the Observatory's bookshelves. I clicked on the shelves to search them, found the jewel, and returned to MadamHighFinance to explain the situation. I then returned to ProfMarathon as well, who recommended I speak to DrStrongHeart in order to find the last jewel.

Sixth Jewel:
After finding the fifth jewel, speaking to MadamHighFinance and ProfMarathon, and returning to DrStrongHeart, she told me that "[her mother] decided it would be best to return the jewel to where she first found it ... it's one of the most remote isles that exists on Horse Isle. It is so far away that it almost doesn't get any traffic at all. It's in a mountain range, but the mountains that are the farthest away from any colonized isle ... there was one, single daffin right next to the crack where she put it. The crack is hidden underneath the daffin's nest."

The isle she's speaking of is Precipice Isle (specifically the West-side cliffs). Traveling there, I used the magnifying glass next to the singular daffin's nest. Once I found the jewel, I went back to DrStrongHeart and received the chest.

Upon receiving and opening the chest, the quest registered as complete for me. I do hope the recount I've provided of my progress helps move you along if you've gotten stuck. If you have any questions about how I completed this specific quest, feel free to ask---I'll do what I can to respond to them in a timely manner. Many thanks again for your patience. Good luck!


[P.S: Remember, speaking to the correct NPC's about the quest is a large part of what moves the quest along. If you're searching at the right places and still can't seem to find anything, try to go back and talk to the correct NPC's to make sure you didn't miss a piece of dialogue that progresses the quest forward. Happy hunting!]

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