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José Eduardo Esposito Almeida

Aug 8, 2022, 9:30:51 PM8/8/22
to Horos Project
Good evening everyone.
I would like to know some suggestions for an cloud storage to the DICOM files, since those files are large. I've already been doing an physical storage but have some concerns to lost those files.


José Eduardo

Randall Schuff

Aug 9, 2022, 6:28:59 AM8/9/22
to Horos Project, José Eduardo Esposito Almeida
My needs are a bit unique but I use Dropbox.  I have one computer (Mac) that acts as the “Listener” for my Fuji x-ray software.  Once a study is done the DICOM images are moved to the internal hard drive of that computer.   I then have a software program called Hazel that monitors the folder in which the images are placed and whenever new ones are added Hazel does a few things automatically.  The files are copied from the internal hard drive to and external drive as backup one.   The files are also copied into Dropbox folders containing all my historical DICOM images as backup up two.  A copy of the new images are also copied into a Shared Dropbox folded called Current Radiograph Images.  This shared folder is accessible by all of my doctors workstations for viewing on Horos and then to be dragged and dropped into my practice software.   Once these copies have been moved and viewed they are deleted from that shared folder.  The images attached within my practice software is backup three.   Finally, offsite at my home I have a computer that also uses Hazel to monitor the Dropbox folder containing all of my past DICOM images and when new ones are added Hazel copies them to a Synology Server I keep at home.

Works for me and it would take a biblical sized disaster for me to lose images, in which case I would have bigger problems anyway.

RJ Schuff DVM
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