Coach Erin's spring(ish) update

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Erin Mirocha

2013年5月2日 下午4:08:472013/5/2
Hello parents,

Thank you all for being so patient while we dealt (and continue to deal) with the weather.  This is certainly an interesting year to be the head coach for an outdoor sport.

Now that we get to go outside, I wanted to give you an update on some things.

1) Fields: I have created a field map for your reference:

2) JV Contact Info: As Leann mentioned to most of you, we've added a Google Voice number for Finn so JV kids and parents have a direct conduit to a JV coach.  Razor is really hard to reach during the day, and Eric is really hard to reach at night, so Finn was the lucky winner of the JV contact.  JV players should call Finn if they cannot attend practice.  Reminder that JV attendance is being taken at practice and JV communication about absences is being shared among coaches.  Players who do not attend the practice prior to the game [or do not communicate a good reason for their absence] will not play.

3) Make up games:  All of MN youth ultimate is struggling right now to make up the games we were unable to play in April.  That means that any day any team can get a legitimate field is a day we might have to play a game.  Girls have until the end of May to make up any missed games, but the Open division is supposed to be done with these make up games by early next week (week of May 6th) so the Conference match-ups can begin.  I know that this is difficult for scheduling and we will do our best to plan ahead.  Please note that the MNYU website does not update their information on make up games - it is simply not feasible for them to keep track of reschedules when there are over 65 teams in play.  So be sure to check daily for updates.

4) Hustle: Our home tournament is our pride and joy.  We get compliments every year about the quality of the tournament, but we literally cannot have a tournament without volunteers.  It is also our primary club fundraiser, which directly affects club dues, our scholarship budget, and supplements tournament costs and travel.  I know that it's mother's day that weekend, so I encourage you to come see my mother who will be in attendance on Sunday. I've been told I look just like her, so you should be able to pick her out of a crowd.  There will also be a lot of Hurt and HERt alumni who have volunteered to be part of our weekend.  It is well and truly a family event, and I hope that you'll allow us to wish the mother of your household a happy Mom's day in person in Maple Plain.  Please volunteer so we can continue to host the best tournament in the state of MN.

Just one final note.  As Coaches, our number one job is to love your kids.  A close number two is to keep them safe.  Numbers 3-5 involve supporting them, helping them to reach their potential, and teaching them about honor and responsibility.  Sometimes that means we're the bad guy: having expectations, following through on consequences, pushing players to do/be better.   Our coaches are a diverse bunch who sacrifice time with their spouses, drive an hour to be at practice, spend time during their corporate 9-6 to answer parent emails, and stay up late to create lines/strategy/practice plans.  We are doing our best to do right by your Hurtem/Hertet.  Please remember that the Coaching staff that I allow to mentor your children are good people, employed (several with two jobs), and with lives and families of their own.  They are also all mature, open to feedback, and sweet ultimate players in their own right.  We have already had hurdles to get over this season with the weather, field availability, cancelled tournaments, rescheduled games and the like.  It can only get better, but it'll be a lot easier if we do it as a a family.

So - to sum up - if you ever have a question or a concern, please ask.  We would love to meet you in person and shake your hand.  Your kid is pretty [great/hilarious/talented/dedicated].  We put a lot of time, energy and love into this and we hope to see you on the sideline very soon.


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