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Erin Mirocha

Sep 26, 2013, 3:18:45 PM9/26/13
Hi parents,

So this week we have a lot of stuff going on.  I want to make sure you're aware of all of it and try to preemptively address obvious questions.

1) I posted HBTS players today.  I will be speaking with players at practice about the A and B team decisions before I post them. There are leadership opportunities for some of the players.  We like to discuss those leadership opportunities and give the player a chance to agree to the responsibility or defer.  Those conversations need to happen before I post A/B rosters.

Every year we have to make tough decisions about who will be able to attend the tournament.  As I mentioned at the registration meeting, Seniority, Registration, Practice Attendance, and Maturity are factors that we consider.  It is very important to me that I trust all of our players to behave well as we move through customs, interact with the volunteer staff, and stay in a hotel all together (with both genders!).

It should be noted that HBTS rosters have nothing to do with who will eventually make the boys varsity team.

We need passport materials for each player ASAP.  If you are waiting for the federal office or something, please let David Seffren know.

2) Boys Varsity tryouts start on Saturday at Exit 69 at Maple Plain - Mr. Krelitz has been kind enough to provide his Food Truck for the event.  Some of the proceeds will be going towards the Hopkins program!  Spread the word!  There will also be merch, so your player might ask you for money to buy a long sleeve or a hat (sorry!).


I would love it if we could carpool, although it is not necessarily required.  Per the driving policy, Juniors and Seniors can drive to this tournament.  The available parking at Maple Plain is minimal.  We are not allowed to park on the North side of Turner Rd., for example.  Hence my preference to carpool.  Games start at 9am, players should be there by 8am.  We're on Field 13 which is a substantial walk from HQ. (these same details coming soon to a blog post near you).

I hear it's supposed to rain on Saturday.  We will play as long as there isn't lightning, but may be relegated to cars until a storm passes.  If you are interested in spectating out in Maple Plain, please take care to abide by our "Toasty Warm" motto.  If you are helping us with Carpools, you might want to be prepared for wet teenagers in your car.

3) Carwash Fundraiser!  The kids took the initiative on this one and have planned a carwash for Thursday October 3rd (they don't have school that day, I guess).  I know that most of us have real life jobs on Thursdays, but we do need at least 3 but preferably 9 parents to help us out.  If we don't get parents, we can't hold the event, and we won't get the $$.  We also need more player participation.

4) Water Bottles - I'm having a problem with kids leaving water bottles at the field after practice.  I started by providing a logical explanation of why it's important that we respect the facilities we get to use.  When that didn't work, I made them run for every water bottle that was left on the field.  Last night (Wednesday), 8-10 abandoned water bottles were picked up by a Captain and thrown away to save all Hurtems from running

I find this to be pretty ridiculous and I'm utterly shocked because this is the worst it has been in my 6 years of coaching.

- reusable water bottles are better for everyone and the environment.
- a player's water bottle is their responsibility, just like their phone or their cleats.  There is no down side to teaching them this responsibility - maybe they won't lose their phone again, right?

When you pick your child up from the fields, can you do me a favor and ask them if they have their water bottle? and everything else they arrived with?
Because if they don't, we will be sprinting at the beginning of every single practice as punishment for the foreseeable future.

Okay, that was a lot.  As always, come find me if you have questions!

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