Rostering + Fundraising

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Erin Mirocha

2014年3月3日 21:51:402014/3/3
Hi parents,

I hope this email finds you well.  There are 2 things I wanted to make you aware of that are relevant right now:

1) We still need a few people for the spring fundraiser out at Dundee Nursery.  Please sign up if you're available!

2) This year in order to be added to a team roster, an email confirmation is necessary.  Some players registered with a personal email and have already completed this step.  Where we are having trouble is with players whose registration is under a lesser used email address, or in some cases, their parents email address.  This confirmation email also tends to end up in spam filters!

Please take a moment to check with your player and make sure that they have confirmed participation in the HUrt roster.  Keep in mind that the confirmation may well be in your email inbox.  There is a link within this email that leads players out to the USAU website where they can confirm their participation.  Please try and make this happen before March 14th, as that's when much of our rostering responsibilities are due.

If you don't know what email address your child's account is affiliated with, I can find that for you.  You can email me directly - - Helen Fern also has this information in her amazing spreadsheet.  We have done our best to communicate this at the registration meeting and at practice.  We need all 89 players to be confirmed in order to register for any tournaments!

Details for the Hustle are going to be publicized soon.  I know you're all excited to volunteer.  Signups will be available very soon for that, so keep an eye on the blog.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly.  I am always open to feedback and discussion about things pertaining to our family.  We're a team.  We all want to make our program the best it can be.  If you feel that there is anything I or any of the coaches could be doing better, please reach out.  Your vantage point as a parent is invaluable; please share it.

Now all we have to do is get the snow to melt.  Any ideas?

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