Hurt - Fall Practices

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Erin Mirocha

Sep 8, 2014, 5:26:49 PM9/8/14
Hello Parents,

As most of you know we started fall practices last week over at Maetzold.  We had a good turn out of about 58 kids, and the weather was pretty steamy but otherwise nice.

A few notes on fall practices:
- as most of you know we're at the bottom of the pecking order for fields, so we know that there are a lot of conflicts on Wednesdays in particular.  If we had been able to get a field with lights on another night, we would have.  We know this is not ideal and the condition of Maetzold is still a little sticky (literally).  Winter practices are already booked and we'll have a pretty standard Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday type schedule over at NJH.

- Your player is responsible for their own ultimate career.  If they have conflicts with practices, they should be communicating with me directly either in person at practice or via Google Voice, which is easily accessible on the blog.  Whether they're going to be consistently late to a practice, made varsity soccer, or are going to get a role in the school musical, communicating with me about it (especially if they're trying out for Varsity) is best.

- Boys Varsity tryouts include 10th graders and up.  We don't always invite 9th graders to tryout, but we might.  We've never invited more than 3 ninth graders to tryout and only 1 eighth grader has ever been invited (ever).  Exit 69 is one of our main tryout events and is at Maple Plain the weekend of September 27-28th.  If your player has any questions or concerns about tryouts they should speak to me directly.

- As I announced to the kids on Thursday, we're expanding on the idea of a "Noble Warrior" this year by introducing 7 principles of our Honor Code.  Kids will be able to earn stickers for each of the 7 principles (integrity, courage, kindness, respect, honesty, honor, loyalty), and we're hoping that they all have a reusable water bottle to display these stickers on as they earn them.  Hint. Hint.

- We have a batch of new-to-you coaches (though most of them are already part of the family), so I'd encourage you to stop out to a practice one of these nice nights to meet them.

- Also new this year, I'll be actively testing your player's ability to focus and follow directions...because I have a puppy now, and he'll be at practice all the time.  Last Wednesday they were directed to ignore him outright and they did a great job!  Next week, I'll gradually be allowing some interaction.  If you'd like to meet the puppy, come to practice for a while!

Hope your summer was relaxing!  Welcome back!
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