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Issue with acceleration of colloidal gel poiseuille duct flow

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clara bae

Apr 25, 2023, 8:30:47 PM4/25/23
to hoomd-users
Dear all,

Hello, I am running a simulation with hoomd v3.1 and I am facing issue with simulation accelerating.

I am currently running a poiseuille flow between two walls. The box size is 300x30x30 (x y z). Initially I charge the particle and use the to impose body force. 

Simulation typically do not accelerate for F=0.001 and 0.002 but things starts to accelerate at F=0.003. I am imposing different attraction strength for colloid-colloid and colloid-wall. Typically, for colloid-colloid of D0=6kT it shows acceleration no matter what the colloid-wall interaction is. However for colloid-colloid of D0=12kT colloid-wall D0=12kT, it was not accelerating. (but with colloid-colloid of D=12kT and colloid-wall D0=6kT, the simulation plateau for some period of time and start accelerating again.)

I cannot seem to solve this issue.

Below I have attached the plots of <average velocity in flow direction >vs <time> and python simulation code. 

Any suggestion to resolve this issue is greatly appreciate it. 
Thank you
Screen Shot 2023-04-25 at 8.30.05 PM.png
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Joshua Anderson

May 1, 2023, 11:00:26 AM5/1/23

This is a question for your research advisor. I do not find it surprising that a applying a constant force leads to an acceleration.
Joshua A. Anderson, Ph.D.
Research Area Specialist, Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan

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<><Screen Shot 2023-04-25 at 8.30.05 PM.png><Screen Shot 2023-04-25 at 8.15.21 PM.png><Screen Shot 2023-04-25 at 8.30.28 PM.png>

clara bae

May 4, 2023, 12:40:16 AM5/4/23
to hoomd-users
Oh, ok. Thank you!
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