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Ki (記)

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S Zaveloff

Mar 25, 2011, 3:06:34 PM3/25/11
I am translating a trip report. In the list of the members making the
trip, one person has "(記)" after his name. I am speculating that this
may indicate the writer of the report but I can find nothing to back
this up. Has anyone come across this before? Is my supposition correct?
Steven H. Zaveloff
P.O. Box 200203 Tel: (512)219-7142
Austin, Texas 78720-0203 Fax: (512)233-2770

Thus shall you think of this fleeting world:
A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream;
A flash of lightning in a summer cloud;
A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream.
-Diamond Sutra

Brian Watson

Mar 25, 2011, 3:10:15 PM3/25/11
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 12:06, S Zaveloff <> wrote:
I am translating a trip report. In the list of the members making the
trip, one person has "(記)" after his name. I am speculating that this
may indicate the writer of the report but I can find nothing to back
this up. Has anyone come across this before? Is my supposition correct?

I've seen that before in meeting reports, denoting the meeting's secretary, so I would assume it would also indicate in this case the person who wrote the report.

Brian Watson
+1.604.395.4202 (home office), +1.425.246.7888 (cell), +1.425.341.FOTO (messages), brian-momotaro (skype)

Mar 25, 2011, 3:20:14 PM3/25/11
Steve Z asked:

I am translating a trip report. In the list of the members making the
trip, one person has "(記)" after his name. I am speculating that this
may indicate the writer of the report but I can find nothing to back
this up. Has anyone come across this before? Is my supposition correct?

Yes, I think so. When this appears after a name in a Meeting Minutes document, I generally translate it as "rapporteur". 

I am not sure what would be best for a trip report. "Scrivener" does not sound very good, still less "ink-stained wretch". I am not sure there is a single word that would capture it in this latter instance.


John Marchioro

Christopher Girsch

Mar 25, 2011, 3:23:53 PM3/25/11

>Steve Z asked:
>I am translating a trip report. In the list of the members making the
>trip, one person has "(記)" after his name. I am speculating that this
>may indicate the writer of the report but I can find nothing to back
>this up. Has anyone come across this before? Is my supposition correct?

>Yes, I think so. When this appears after a name in a Meeting Minutes document
, I generally translate it as "rapporteur".

Hi Steve,

If it is a record of the trip, you might simply render it as: (Minutes)

Chris Girsch

S Zaveloff

Mar 25, 2011, 5:22:11 PM3/25/11
Thanks to all.

I went with "report author."

Minoru Mochizuki

Mar 25, 2011, 5:22:16 PM3/25/11

in such a case should be read as 記す (しるす)which means “(I) wrote” or “Written by (me).”


is also used as a symbol in a formal document to introduce a description of a subject matter which was announced in the previous paragraph and it is placed in the center of the width direction of the page. It serves roughly the same role as Quote in English. How it should be translated into English has been discussed in honyaku as well as in JAT so that you may find some traces of them if you know how to do it.


Minoru Mochizuki

Jim Lockhart

Mar 26, 2011, 3:36:22 AM3/26/11

On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 16:22:11 -0500
S Zaveloff wrote:

> I went with "report author."

How about just "by" before the person's name? Or even nothing at
all--just the name.

And it's also read _shirusu_ and is a very common way of signing
old documents.

by Jim Lockhart
Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi

S Zaveloff

Mar 26, 2011, 10:37:28 AM3/26/11
On 3/26/11 2:36 AM, Jim Lockhart wrote:

> How about just "by" before the person's name? Or even nothing at
> all--just the name.

That would not work here as the author's name followed by (記) is
included within a list of all of the several participants.

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