Fwd: Digest for honyaku@googlegroups.com - 1 update in 1 topic

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Jeff Slenker

Jan 21, 2023, 7:55:51 AM1/21/23
to hon...@googlegroups.com
I automatically receive Linkedin jobs for "Japanese bilingual" on a daily basis.  There are many jobs in business with which we can use our bilingual skills, which I would prefer over running a small translation agency. Running an agency is much more about project management, customer acquisition and pricing negotiations than about use of bilingual skills, which is what most of us enjoy and are good at, in most cases. Luckily I am 2 months from signing up for SS and can then decrease the number of translation projects I take as the industry changes into something less interesting to me...

"Dan Lucas" <dan....@carninglipartners.com>: Jan 21 08:43AM

This is neither linguistic nit-picking, nor a trivial matter of diction. These are materially dissimilar roles, requiring different skill sets and arguably different temperaments as well... Even though a small minority of people may succeed in straddling those categories, most will not because different people have different competencies. 
... most people are simply not competent to tackle both translation and management and that, if they force themselves into a role to which they are not suited, they will not achieve fulfilment or happiness. Given the scale of the challenge involved in such a transition, most of them may as well retrain in a different business entirely and be done with it.

Jeff Slenker
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