If you have any hints, please let me know. I would be really
Thanks a lot Marc-san
As I don’t have anything at all regarding those names, any probability would be very grateful.
And I really thank you for your suggestion.
KIKO Sumi, enjoying cool summer night in Chiba
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In fact, entering "Chuchki" brings up the Google results for "Chukchi."
Land bridgely yours,
Karen Sandness
1) Ne-Sou-A Quoit (Fox tribe chief)
2) Mehkskeme-Sukahs (Blackfoot chief)
3) Saukamappee (Piegan chief)
4) Otomahuk (Algonquian word meaning tomahawk、オトマフク?)
5)Chuchkee (tribe、チャチキー族?)
6)Piri (tribe、ピリ族?)
Tangentially, there's plenty of room for variation there, too, which is why ウサマ for example turns up and may be acceptable:
Which of course only reinforces the point you're passing on to the client about the variabilities in rendering Native American names into katakana etc.
Carl Freire
Tokyo, Japan
carl_p_freire at ybb-dot-ne-dot-jp
Alfred Salib Chamass
Hello again. Thank you too for mention this subject since it's a interesting one.
I think the problem you encounter here is the problem faced in the study of most pre-writing languages and cultures.
Since there were no physical writing support, it is very dificult to find a true meaning of a word much years later.
This is the same problem encounter by schooalers of japanese old language, since some centuries ago japanese language were writted mainly in kanji characters. The solution was in part found in the study of the old dictionaries and books elaborated by the first europeans to set foot on the islands, namely the portuguese and later the spanish.
My suggestion is that you try to find the approximate meaning by taking as reference the first studies of those languages, mainly by american and some french explorers and visitors of canada (by the way, this is a portuguese word too!). I think the link I provided you could be a good source, but there are certainly others, try google-san for a hand, if you didn't already.
I agree that you should be as "convencional as possible" in order to permite futher interpretation. I also think you should try to stick to the way the word first appeared in romanji to avoid futher misleadings. But only if there was no reformulation of the norms. I am thinking of chinese language for instance, the hepburn system.
Sorry I can't give much help, but hope its a contribution from my part.
Take care and good luck on your pursuits.