Call Out for performers

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Mar 3, 2010, 2:42:24 AM3/3/10
to homospun listserv
Have you heard the rumor? It's true! On Saturday March 20, 2010 the
Homospun Collective is hosting another fabulous night of dancing and
performance. This time we are teaming up with Harm Reduction Victoria
(HRV) to present a variety show which we hope will feature local
talent in song and dance, performance and art.

This is a chance for you to get up in front of an adoring crowd and
show off your talents! Do you have a new song you want to sing? A
performance piece? A poem? Or maybe you want to shake your booty on
the stage in a burlesque number?

We aim to showcase a diversity of themes, styles and talents and
welcome all types of performance not limited by any theme. All
performers must read the Anti-Oppression Policy (see attached) and
submit a proposal for review. We aim to make this event a safer space
for performers and audience members. Please consider your privilege in
whatever form(s) it takes. No obnoxious, objectifying louts are to be
tolerated, and all performers are to be adored as the strong, radical,
sexy, powerful people that they are.

The deadline for proposals is: March 15.

Proceeds raised from this event will benefit Harm Reduction Victoria,
the folks who stand in solidarity with people who use illicit drugs
and seek to ensure the highest quality healthcare is made accessible
to all those who require harm reduction services.

Please send proposals to:


To promote a strong political queer presence in Victoria through the
encouragement and adoption of anti-oppressive policies and practices
and the creation of events which support the politicization of queer

To provide an alternative to apolitical and gay-male-centric
mainstream gay bars.

To work within an anti-oppressive framework in the interests of
combating racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, classism,
ageism, religious discrimination and all other forms of oppression
within our communities and beyond. To promote the use of anti-
oppressive frameworks by making our policies publicly available for
use by other organizations, performers, etc.

To create safe and inclusive spaces for people of all genders and
sexualities and to raise awareness about the need for such spaces.

To strive to acknowledge difference, privilege and intersectionality
within our community.

To build community for queers and their friends, families and allies
by establishing a permanent collective dedicated to bringing regular
events to the community and providing alternatives to the bar scene.

To support community and non-profit organizations with similar visions
through whatever means appropriate, such as fundraising.

To strive for accountability and responsibility to the community as an
organization. To address problems within our organization as they are
brought to our attention and to work continuously to improve in our
attempts to create safe, inclusive and anti-oppressive space.

To have fun in a conscientious manner, by providing safe places to
kick back, dance, enjoy good music, don costumes, share experiences
and celebrate the bravery and diversity of our community.

Homospun Collective Anti-Oppressive Policy

The Homospun Collective is a non-profit group, of people committed to

putting on safe and fun parties for queer folks and friends. The

collective is located and parties are held on Lekwungen territory,

known as "Victoria, BC".

The collective was started in response to many people feeling that

were not enough safe and anti-oppressive queer spaces to meet, dance,

hang out. The following anti-oppressive guidelines are for the purpose

increasing the safety and accessibility of the collective's events.

It is our goal to put on events that are open and accessible to all

- and to recognize, act, and react when and if discrimination occurs

our events.

We will take proactive measures to prevent discrimination from arising

our events throught the following factors we feel are in our control:


• We will chose a venue whose staff supports hosting events

by the

Queer community

• We hope to attract like minded folks to our events whose


in turn build a positive environment; we will achieve this through

a mandate available to those attending the gatherings as well as by

networking with like minded groups

• Collective members will be present at all events, ready and

willing to

deal with any situations that may arise


• At each event we will fundraise through different means

• We will donate the money raised to a different organization

initiative whose work coincides with our anti-oppressive goals

• We aim to build community and raise awareness of other


our fundraising initiatives


• We have chosen to hold themed parties and acknowledge the

potential for

themes and costumes to be discriminatory

• In choosing a theme we will to the best of our knowledge

one which

will not make any person or group of persons feel uncomfortable or

• We ask all those attending our parties to think critically
about the

costumes they chose to wear

• Please read definition of “cultural appropriation” in the

glossary that


• “The reason why "ethnic costumes" are so problematic is
because they

posit a cultural identity as a costume - they compress the complexity

intricacy of an entire culture into dress-up; into something that

(or really, usually someone with class and race privilege) has the

to use for the most superficial purposes.” (Lim, Thea. Take back the

Halloween! Racialiocious.) See whole article at:

Money Matters

• We are a not-for-profit organization, although there will be

door fee and donation jar for the purpose of covering cost and
supporting future


• We aim to create a party that is an alternative to the
capitalist clubs that dominate in Victoria

• We will use a sliding scale, and will not turn any one away
if they are unable to pay

• We recognize that the venues we rent do make a profit off of
us, but feel that an alternative to a rented venue is not presently
feasible for us


• If we have performers we will first ask that they read over
and agree to work within our anti-oppressive policy

• We will ask for a run down of the performance prior to in
order to address anything that may potentially be discriminatory

Education/Raising Awareness

• We have written a mandate and anti-oppressive policy that
will be made available at parties as well as online that we hope will
inform folks of why and what we do

• A future goal is to have a “zine distro” (**inc in defs) set
up at our events

• We are working on building a website where we will make
relevant information to our work available

We recognize that there are things that we can't control. Our events

public and anyone who chooses to come in can do so. We are unable to

anticipate an individual's actions or opinions; we can only react. We

recognize that we all have privileges and biases that may interfere in

actions. We are a group of individuals with different and unique

perspectives, experiences, and ideas. We are continually in a process

learning and there is the possibility of unintentionally oppressive

behaviour on our part.

We strive to create awareness and an open environment, through our

actions, relationships with other groups, educational materials,

conversations, and advocacy. If discriminatory and/or oppressive

and actions arise, we will address them immediately and not let them

by unchallenged. We as a collective will determine an action to follow

will enact said action as soon as possible.

This policy is a working body of knowledge that is in no way all

encompassing and is always open to change. It is a starting point
that we

hope will evolve as our collective and our work does. We ourselves are

also in a constant process of learning. We hope to learn through our

and those we interact with along the way, as well as to continue

educating ourselves and each other. We are always open to suggestions

new ideas.

See ya on the dance floor!

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