Agitate! Liberate! Celebrate!' Remembering Stonewall: All Ages LGBTQ Dance!

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Homospun Collective Events

Jun 19, 2014, 10:45:55 PM6/19/14
Hello Everyone! 

*****Please share among your networks*****

Join us for a all ages and sober dance hosted by Homospun Collective and South Island Pride! 


June 28th 2014, Doors open at 8:00pm
1515 Douglas St, Oddfellows Hall
Lkwungen Territory

  • Tru2U Art Showcase
  • Dance lessons at 8:15
  • $5-20 sliding scale, no one turned away
  • Food & drinks provided
  • With Guest DJs

Our dance is happening on the anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion, so we feel compelled to acknowledge this important historical moment. While we don't claim to be experts on the histories of Stonewall, we acknowledge that popular mythologies tend to erase the working class Black and Brown trans and gender-variant folks, sex workers, and street youth who were on the front lines of the Stonewall Rebellion. Our collective is having an ongoing conversation about how to commemorate Stonewall in a way that does not co-opt this vital moment and filter it through the lenses of white supremacy, transmisogyny, and classism. We hope to honour the people who resisted- and continue to resist- the intersecting forms of oppression that they face. We hope to centre their voices by screening interviews and providing some materials in the quiet room by the people who were there, whose voices are frequently and violently erased. We hope to create a space that opens up conversation about voices that are centred and voices that are missing when we celebrate Pride.

We dance to remember those that came before us, those that stand beside us and the future generations to come!


Stonewall Links (this gives an overview, but contains some cis-sexist phrasing and generally does not acknowledge the race and gender identity intersections of the riots) (Stress warning here for anti-queer/racialized violence)


Why sober?

Queer spaces, as well as clubs generally, are often heavily centered around drinking. For this dance party we'd like to offer an alternative. 

People have lots of reasons for wanting party space away from substance use. Maybe you can't drink for your health or recovery reasons. Maybe you don't partake because of the effect, taste or price. Maybe you just want to try going out dancing sober.

For many people, the presence or absence of alcohol/drugs is a basic accessibility and safer space issue. Because of this, please don't drink/take drugs before coming or during this party.

(Adapted from "Choose Yr own Adventure" in London England)


Accessibility info: there is an elevator up to the second-floor event space. The space itself is on two levels, joined by a ramp. There is a single-stall wheelchair accessible washroom, and a multi-stall gender-neutral washroom.

Who is Homospun?

Homospun Collective Events is a volunteer-run group that regularly puts on inclusive events in Victoria, BC, Coast Salish Territory for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, queer, two-spirit, genderqueer, and questioning communities, as well as our friends, allies, and anyone interested in creating alternative spaces to meet, create, dance, relax, and make friends.

We ask that folks read and familiarize themselves with our safer spaces guidelines available here:

Please email us at!

Want to hear about other Homospun events? Join the fb group at:

Who is tru2?

tru2U is a collection of programs, projects, and services, helping LGBT2SQ youth love who they are, while creating environments in which they are loved.

tru2U is designed and delivered, with much love, by South Island Pride Centre. tru2U is facilitated by a team of diverse Queer, Trans and allied volunteers from South Vancouver Island's Community. tru2U facilitates community projects, events, and groups that promote self-empowerment, inclusivity, and self-exploration. tru2U creates environments of acceptance by designing and delivering age appropriate, in-school workshops which introduce an array of LGBT2SQ topics to LGBT2SQ youth and their peers.

tru2U generates referrals and connections for LGBT2SQ youth to emotional support systems online, in person, and via phone. For ongoing tru2U youth groups and events, please visit our online calender at: or email at


We are also still looking for some volunteers to help us out on the night. If you are interested, or have any questions at all, please email 



Homospun Collective

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