Hi. I'm a single homeschooling mom and I need some help and advice.

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hip wahm

Aug 24, 2006, 7:20:20 AM8/24/06
to Homeschooling
I want to know if there are any other single homeschooling moms out
there. I need your advice. How do you cope with a lack of time and a
limited budget?
Do you know of any low cost resources that I can use? Any good books
that you recommend I read? Where do I FIND THE TIME TO DO IT ALL? I
really will appreciate any tips and advice from all moms, especially
other single moms.


Aug 25, 2006, 2:58:03 AM8/25/06
to homesc...@googlegroups.com
If you are Christian, then look into http://oldfashionededucation.com/

Ashley Moore

Nov 10, 2015, 12:44:27 AM11/10/15
to Homeschooling, sad...@polka.co.za
Good evening!

My name is Ashley Moore!  Although I'm not a single homeschooling mom, I do follow a blog by one!  It is called Not Consumed.  Maybe she can be of help to you!  She has 4 little ones!

While I use curriculum, it CAN be done without, IF you are determined.  I use the Abeka curriculum, but for 2 years I didn't purchase a single thing.  I followed the scope and sequence on their site.  A scope and sequence tells you exactly what your child should know for whatever grade.  Scope and sequences vary from curriculum to curriculum.  I printed out Abeka's, and posted it on my fridge.  I highlighted and checked off what I taught my son.

Also, Pinterest is a great resource.  Search for blogs that don't use curriculum.  There are plenty!  

All of the education blogs I follow inspired me to create my own resources!  I created a blog with freebies, although it is just starting out.  My sons are 2 (almost 3) and 5, so the resources I offer are for kindergarten.  I don't know the ages of your children, but if you're interested my blog is called Training Treasures.  I hope I can be a help to you!
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