Lesson 28YY - Homeopathy & pain relief

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Sheri Nakken

Sep 16, 2010, 2:17:41 PM9/16/10
to homeopathy...@googlegroups.com
Lesson 28YY - Homeopathy & pain relief

Homeopathy is actually a system of medicine, which has been around for 200 years and focuses on treating the patient with highly diluted substances given in mainly tablet, globules and powdered form. Homeopathy works on the process of immunization. It gives smaller doses of medicines which will make you sick if taken in larger doses and thereby providing prevention and cures for sickness. Homeopathic pain relief remedies are responsible in gifting a pain free and healthy life to a sick person. Actually, during a homeopathic pain relief treatment, you will find that the symptoms are getting worse. You may think that it is aggravating the problem and you may also feel like stop using it, but do not do so, since the treatment is actually correct. Homeopathic medicine is used to balance the stress factors that are held responsible for the symptoms of pain. Now, here is a list of some of the remedies using homeopathic pain relief. These are often a very effective and quick way of removing pain.

Arnica Montana
It is a herb, which is mainly found in cream form and is used as one of the most common remedy for muscle pain and also in bruises. It is taken internally, often in globules, so that it can work for muscle pain. It improves circulation, as well as reduces emotional and physical trauma that results from an accident or some other traumatic event.

Soreness, weakness or stiffness in the muscles, often gets worse from cold or overuse. Pain also becomes worse, when the weather is dry and tends to be better when it is rainy. Causticum is a homeopathic pain relief medicine, which is used to lessen pain in the muscles.

Hypericum is basically used to heal nerve pain, especially for numbness or tingling in the extremities or shifting of pain from one area to another. It is also helpful in reducing unbearable prickly pain that radiates along the nerve pathways, which becomes worse with movement.

This homeopathic pain relief is given to patients, when the limbs feel heavy, dull and lethargic, especially when there is low-grade fever with muscle aching, similar to that of flu. It is also recommended when the symptoms are worse due to damp, cold or warm and wet weather.

Rhus Toxicodendron
One of the most common remedy for pain, Rhus Toxicodendron is given to patients where the weather has an effect on the degree of pain. It is often used to relieve joint pains and also in the healing of ligament strains.

The patient who is taking bryonia, stays as still as possible because even the slightest movement will make the pain worse. The patient becomes very irritable, grumpy and does not allow anyone to touch the area with pain, though the pressure on the point of pain often helps. The remedy is indicated when a person is suffering from headaches or pain in a particular group of muscles. Another significance of this homeopathic pain relief remedy is that warmth makes the pain worse, while cool applications makes it better.

Cimicifuga is prescribed, when the body feels sore and bruised all over with occasional jerking and twitching of the muscles. There is quite a lot of pain especially in the back, neck and shoulders, which is due to the sensitiveness of the spine. With Cimicifuga, the patient tends to feel better with warmth and pressure, but feels worse with touch, motion and cold applications, especially during their menstrual cycle.

So you see, homeopathy can actually work for all types of functional complaints like, muscle pain, headaches, flu etc. Homeopathic pain relief treatment can also be recommended for ailments that are too painful, inconvenient or showing unsatisfactory results. They are also low cost treatments that makes you adapt to new lifestyle changes, since you will feel better and have more energy.

By Anannya Saikia
Published: 9/17/2009

http://www.naturalchoicesforfibromyalgia.com/site/678806/page/206244 (a fibromyalgia site, but useful information on pain)

Homeopathic remedies are used to balance the stress factors that underlie the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. The symptom profile is matched to a homeopathic remedy that helps those symptoms. This is often a very effective, quick way of creating less of pain.

Here is a list of favorite homeopathic remedies for Fibromyalgia symptoms:
You can order any of these remedies at the bottom of this page.
The most common remedy used for muscle trauma is Arnica montana. Arnica is an herb that can be used topically as a cream on specific areas of bruising and pain. As a homeopathic remedy, Arnica can be taken internally, in pellet form, to work more deeply on the trauma that is held in the muscles. Arnica works by improving circulation and reducing both emotional and physical trauma in the muscles. It is especially useful when an accident or other traumatic event may have caused the onset of fibromyalgia.

Another common homeopathic remedy for fibromyalgia is Rhus toxicodendron, which is used for stiffness that gets better once the client gets moving and when weather has an effect on the degree of pain. Rhus toxicodendron is often used to relieve pain in the joints, and works well on healing ligament strains. The Rhus toxicodendron client feels very restless and wants the stiffness and reaction to cold damp weather to improve quickly.

Bryonia is the homeopathic remedy that has symptoms opposite the Rhus toxicodendron remedy. Here, the client tries to stay as still as possible, since even the slightest motion makes the pain worse. These people tend to be very irritable and grumpy, not wanting to be touched, even though pressure on the point of pain often helps. Bryonia is indicated when there is hardness of muscle groups and headaches are common. Another indication for this remedy is when warmth makes the pain worse and cool applications feel better.

Causticum is another homeopathic remedy for soreness, weakness and stiffness in the muscles that is worse from cold and/or overuse. Pain is also worse when the weather is dry and tends to be better in rainy weather. The muscles in the legs feel contracted, tight and sore, with restlessness at night. The forearms are weak, even though they are also stiff. These clients feel better in a warm bed or warm shower.

Gelsemium is a remedy for fibromyalgia when the limbs feel heavy, dull and lethargic. Headaches occur in the back of the head and neck, and there may be dizziness. This remedy is indicated when there is a low-grade fever with much aching, similar to having the flu all of the time. Gelsemium is also designated when symptoms are worse in damp, cold, or warm and wet weather, or after exertion.

Cimicifuga is a homeopathic remedy to use when there are spasms in the large muscle groups, the body feels sore and bruised all over, and there may be jerking and twitching of the muscles. The spine feels sensitive, and there is pain especially in the back, neck and shoulders. The fibromyalgia clients that would benefit from Cimicifuga feel better with warmth and pressure, and feel worse with touch, motion, cold applications and during their menstrual cycle.

Hypericum is a homeopathic remedy that helps heal nerve pain. It is especially useful when there is numbness or tingling in the extremities, or radiating pain from one area to another. Hypericum is useful for the unbearable prickly pain that radiates along nerve pathways, is worse with movement, and worse when touched. Hypericum is the Latin name of St. John’s Wort, and can be beneficial when depression is an associated symptom of fibromyalgia.

There are other homeopathic remedies that may more appropriately fit different specific symptoms of the client and by referring to homeopathic books or practitioners you may get better results. Homeopathic remedies are also available in formulas of two or more substances mixed together. Formulas are a more user-friendly way to use homeopathic medicines since the indications for their use are extremely clear. The use of several remedies combined in formulas provides a broad effect not available in a single remedy.

Use only one remedy, whether in a formula or as a single remedy, at a time. Single remedies are recommended when the specific symptoms are known, and when a higher potency of a remedy is desired but not available in a formula. Formula products usually contain remedies in the 3x, 6x, or 12x potencies, while people with severe pain may receive more rapid benefit from the 30c potency. Two hundred years of homeopathic clinical experience has found that the higher the potency, the more deeper and faster the medicine acts. However, the higher the potency used, the more accurate the remedy must fit the fibromyalgia client. Because of this, it is recommended to use the 30c potency when the user is very confident that the remedy picked is the correct one. The use of lower potencies, such as the 6th or 12th potency, is indicated when general symptoms are used to find the remedy, or you can consider using a homeopathic formula.

When taking homeopathic remedies, it is recommended to take as few doses as necessary. With homeopathy, taking more pellets is not recommended, but increasing the frequency of the remedy may be needed to get the full effect of low potency remedies. At first, when there is the greatest amount of pain and discomfort, the remedy may need to be taken every hour. Usually after four doses, the frequency can be reduced to every two hours. As the intensity of pain diminishes, taking a dose every four hours is common. If no improvement is noticeable after a few days, it is not recommended to take further doses of the same remedy.

Although most homeopathic remedies are in pill form for internal use, there are a select number of homeopathic remedies that are available in external applications. Some external applications are in ointments, gels, or sprays. Although they have a similar degree of effectiveness, each has certain benefits and detriments. One brand I recommend to my clients is called Traumeel, made by Heel-BHI. Traumed contains a number of low potency homeopathic substances that relax muscles, ligaments, and tendons, along with remedies that improve the healing response.

Homeopathic remedies must be considered as an integral part in creating a protocol to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms. The use of these remedies will reduce stress held in the muscle tissues, and will allow the pain to be relieved in a shorter period of time. The relief of pain that homeopathic remedies can provide will make it easier to create more lifestyle changes, since you will feel better and have more energy.
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