It's just 4 weeks until Homecamp4 - a 2 day event in central London,
where we explore the interaction between open systems and energy
We've got some great speakers lined up, including Simon Daniels and
Chris Wright from Moixa, who will be demonstrating their low voltage
dc Home Energy Solutions - powered by renewables.
On the open hardware and software front we have Trystan Lea and Glyn
Hudson from - who will be discussing their end-
to-end energy monitoring system EmonTx and EmonCMS, and hopefully
demonstrating their new Open Graphic LCD unit. Plus news of their new
business start-up Megni
Ian Lesnet will be demonstrating some of his designs from Dangerous
Prototypes - including Bus Pirate (aaarrr) and Logic Shrimp. Ian also
has a very nice PIC based web platform, very affordable and should be
of interest to the Homecamp community.
Being an unconference - there will be plenty opportunity for you to
pitch your own project ideas, and his year we are encouraging team-
The Centre for Creative Collaborations is not dissimilar to a domestic
home - it has regular rooms, a kitchen with appliances and gas central
heating. Over the course of the weekend we hope to tap into these
systems and show just how easy it is to monitor and control energy
consumption and heating systems.
There will be a number of workshops and hack sessions, so if you think
you have something to offer, bring your laptop and your hacking gear
and come along for a great weekend.
See you on the 29th
BTW - if you want to get an inexpensive local hotel - there are dozens
in Argyle Square WC1X - just 2 minutes walk from C4CC, and also the
Clink 261 Backpackers Hostel - again 2 minutes away.