I've been away from this board for a while, but steadily working on my
machine. I've learned enough Flash to go beyond proof of concept and
into production code. I can start and stop scenes calling AS3 from my
C# shell.
I'm going a little overboard with flash and running into GPU strain
with my blurring and transitions... definitely not bothering with
DMD. Here's my multiball cut scene:
You can tell right about where the 'B' shows up your computer
(depending on it's age) will shit a little brick.
There's a ton of Flash work to do still and that's what I'm
concentrating on for now while my artist-for-hire works on the
playfield. Once he finishes that up I'll be scrambling to whitewood
and start wiring up a prototype... which will mean that I'll be
waiting again until my controlling app is structured... this is a huge
I still don't know what I'll use for driving... I'm leaning on a
System11 power board connected to an arduino (or teensy), but I really
don't want to write another driver in yet another language.