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Dreamweb - The Soundtrack, remastered - is out!

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Dec 7, 2018, 3:56:03 PM12/7/18
to Home of the Underdogs

Hello everyone!

Alberto here and underdogs fun. I thought I'd give you what I consider an amazing piece of news (well, if you are a fan of Dreamweb like I am!)

Matt and I discussed the release of a remastered version of the soundtrack .. and finally: it's here!

(Streaming and Digital Download)

It took me two full weeks to re-extract the audio, work on it and also to the graphics. But it was worth it, I still consider Matt's work on Dreamweb to be among the most inspirational in sci-fi, dystopian, cyberpunk (call it what you want).

The remastered edition is completely free, you don't have to pay for it and no one should make you pay for it - but obviously any donation is welcome so we can buy proper coffee!

I am in love with the Digipak layout so much that I am thinking to release a limited run of them, maybe.. who knows!

For the moment, here it is!
I hope you like it as much as I did while working on it. It's been a real honor for me. Enjoy!


Single-Page Artwork:


Jul 14, 2019, 7:45:30 AM7/14/19
to Home of the Underdogs
Well I missed this completely somehow...

Thanks a lot for the contribution! This could well be of interest of fans. I'm linking the bandcamp site in the article. Or would you prefer a link to something else?


Jul 14, 2019, 10:50:32 AM7/14/19
to LotBlind, Home of the Underdogs
Thanks! Link to Bandcamp page is perfect thanks and don't worry about the delay, it happens!

On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 1:45 PM LotBlind <> wrote:
Well I missed this completely somehow...

Thanks a lot for the contribution! This could well be of interest of fans. I'm linking the bandcamp site in the article. Or would you prefer a link to something else?

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