Major update: XML configuration out, YAML in. Plus tons of other things.

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Vadim Tkachenko

Sep 11, 2023, 12:50:52 AM9/11/23
Hello lurkers,

The reactive tree now reads the configuration from a YAML file. That's the change visible on the surface, but to make it happen a serious system reengineering was necessary, and that gave me a chance to revisit and improve the architecture - I'm now much happier with it than I was before gh47 work started. To save you a few clicks, here's a summary of changes (available dynamically updated here):
  • Drastically simplified configuration (YAML instead of XML)
  • The configuration is documented and code assist is supported by modern IDEs (thanks to Spring Configuration Metadata)
  • Can now be run in a Docker container
  • Better device support (ESPHome, Zigbee, Z-Wave)
  • Zones now support min/max allowed range, per zone
  • Special note: economizer support, $$$ saved
  • Drastically improved startup time
  • More ways to run (standalone, SpringBoot, Quarkus, Docker)
  • Improved platform instrumentation (Micrometer to InfluxDb)
  • Improved system instrumentation ("instrument cluster", documentation coming)
  • Some subsystems (1-Wire, XBee, shell) have not yet been ported over from the last reactive snapshot - coming up
  • Needs Java 17
  • Has not yet been verified to run on Raspberry Pi 3B
  • Bleeding edge - but it's being dogfooded, so it'll stop bleeding fast
If you ever tried to get DZ running - you know how much of a PITA the XML configuration was. And just take at how simple it is now. And, code assist - can't beat that.



PS: The old reactive tree with XML configuration is still available as a tag: I have a hunch it will not be much sought after, though.
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