Holy Rule for August 5

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St. Mary's Monastery

Aug 4, 2024, 4:37:45 PMAug 4
to holyrule
Br. Jerome Leo’s Daily Reflection on the Holy Rule

April 5, August 5, December 5
Chapter 53: On the Reception of Guests (16-24)

Let there be a separate kitchen for the Abbot and guests that the brethren may not be disturbed when guests, who are never lacking in a monastery, arrive at irregular hours. Let two brethren capable of filling the office well be appointed for a year to have charge of this kitchen. Let them be given such help as they need, that they may serve without murmuring. And on the other hand, when they have less to occupy them, let them go out to whatever work is assigned them. And not only in their case but in all the offices of the monastery let this arrangement be observed, that when help is needed it be supplied, and again when the workers are unoccupied they do whatever they are bidden. The guest house also shall be assigned to a brother whose soul is possessed by the fear of God. Let there be a sufficient number of beds made up in it; and let the house of God be managed by prudent men and in a prudent manner. On no account shall anyone who is not so ordered associate or converse with guests. But if he should meet them or see them, let him greet them humbly, as we have said, ask their blessing and pass on, saying that he is not allowed to converse with a guest.


Asking that the house of God be prudently governed by the prudent surely applies to more than the guest house. That principle goes for the whole monastery, as well as for the families and homes of those monastics in the world outside the cloister. This is not just another call to frugality or economy or order for their own sakes.

The whole idea of balance and peace and moderation and serenity is nothing more or less than a singular setting for a pearl of very great price. We need those things for our monastic struggle to be most effective. Sometimes a surgeon might have to operate on a bloody battlefield, but don't be surprised if infection follows.

It's the same with us and dysfunctional, imprudent messes. We CAN operate there if we have to, but infections are likely to follow. We need a certain amount of reduction of inconsequential hassles to focus on the one thing necessary. St. Benedict strives to provide us with that.

No, the monastery is not a sterile surgical suite (and I always worry when one looks that way!) but neither is it an ill-housed flock of free range chickens. Show me a monastery or home that has become a zoo and I can guarantee you there will be spiritual ramifications, as well.

We are not necessarily Thomists (though at Monte Cassino our Order conducted some of St. Thomas Aquinas' early schooling)
, but we can surely affirm that "peace is the tranquility of order." St.Thomas' view of the virtues is important to us, too, imbued with the principles of Aristotle: "Virtus in media stat." Virtue stands in the middle way. What could be more Benedictinely moderate and balanced?

It must be clearly remembered that when we speak of "prudence", we speak of a virtue, a thing of holiness and a golden mean. All manner of foolish timidity, cowardice, stinginess and hearts-by-icebox prudishness have been falsely named prudence.

Prudence is not and never can be a wicked thing. Prudence, real wisdom, is a thing always to be desired. False prudence, on the other hand, of which there is sadly no shortage, is a thing always and everywhere to be rejected.

Br. Jerome Leo Hughes, OSB (RIP)

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