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Holy Rule for July 12

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St. Mary's Monastery

Jul 11, 2024, 5:18:34 PM7/11/24
to holyrule
Br. Jerome Leo’s Daily Reflection on the Holy Rule

March 12, July 12, November 11
Chapter 34: Whether All Should Receive in Equal Measure What Is Necessary

Let us follow the Scripture, "Distribution was made to each according as anyone had need" (Acts 4:35). By this we do not mean that there should be respecting of persons (which God forbid), but consideration for infirmities. She who needs less should thank God and not be discontented; but she who needs more should be humbled by the thought of her infirmity rather than feeling important on account of the kindness shown her. Thus all the members will be at peace. Above all, let not the evil of murmuring appear for any reason whatsoever in the least word or sign. If anyone is caught at it, let her be placed under very severe discipline.


One reason murmuring is so strongly proscribed here is that its origin in this case is likely to be from jealousy. Jealousy is a terrible thing in any human being, but even more treacherous when the people involved have to live and work together in community. Jealousy is a sure sign that one has not arrived. Perfect monastics simply don't care about such stuff! (If they did at all, it would only be to rejoice for the other!)

Yet many of us- may God forgive us all- can still find jealousy rearing its ugly head from time to time. It is part of our fallen human nature, it is also part of us that has not grown up yet: an inner child that is still screaming "Mom ALWAYS liked you best!" Sigh... Envy cannot live without ignorance or falsehood, so reality checks may be helpful, shaking ourselves awake to what is true and real, reminding ourselves what we do not know and cannot know about another's situation compared to our own.

If only we knew the gift of God! Ah, but we most surely do not know it! If we did, we should be far, far more grateful for the different ways He deals with people. We should be relieved that we have not the gifts of others, since we have neither their peculiar circumstances nor their vocations nor personalities to deal with those gifts. We should also be able to more clearly see how richly - and utterly appropriately - we ourselves have been blessed. God is no wretched giver, and we are ALL swathed in His unfathomable mercy.

Br. Jerome Leo Hughes, OSB (RIP)
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