Holy Rule for August 1

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St. Mary's Monastery

Jul 31, 2024, 5:14:37 PMJul 31
to holyrule
Br. Jerome Leo’s Daily Reflection on the Holy Rule

April 1, August 1, December 1
Chapter 50: On Sisters Who are Working Far From the Oratory or Are on a Journey

Those sisters who are working at a great distance
and cannot get to the oratory at the proper time - the Abbess judging that such is the case - shall perform the Work of God in the place where they are working, bending their knees in reverence before God.

Likewise those who have been sent on a journey
shall not let the appointed Hours pass by, but shall say the Office by themselves as well as they can and not neglect to render the task of their service.


Monastics not at home - including Oblates who live elsewhere -
"...shall say the Office by themselves as well as they can." This is a very important qualifying phrase. Over the many years I have been in e mail contact with hundreds of Oblates, this question arises in one form or another again and again, often with differing solutions offered.

"...as well as they can." That means every instance of the Oblate's
life must be taken into account: work, marriage, parenthood. Some Oblates can and do say the whole Office. For others, the chronic frustration at NOT being able to might be more constructively given up. It destroys peace and holds humility at bay. Many of us just cannot, for one reason or another do it all. Admitting that is a great boon of truth and humility is truth!

Most monasteries today have embraced schemes of the Office that are
not portable, even for their own monastics. Do the best you can. That may be the Roman Office, the Monastic Diurnal, or part thereof, or it may be something else for you, but just do the best you can in your current circumstance.

Whatever that circumstance may be, it is where God has placed you at
this moment. There is a great holiness and truthfulness in starting from where we are. It's really the only way to begin a journey anyhow (you can't depart from where you are not yet!) So why not shrug your shoulders and start shuffling along from here and now and today? All those hassles, all that inaccessible frustration of location or time, all that we THINK stands in the way are truly portals of mercy and grace, would we but let them open!

Br. Jerome Leo Hughes, OSB (RIP)
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