Holy Rule for July 5

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St. Mary's Monastery

Jul 4, 2024, 5:13:00 PMJul 4
to holyrule
Br. Jerome Leo’s Daily Reflection on the Holy Rule

March 5, July 5, November 4
Chapter 28: On Those Who Will Not Amend after Repeated Corrections

If a sister who has been frequently corrected for some fault, and even excommunicated, does not amend, let a harsher correction be applied, that is, let the punishment of the rod be administered.

But if she still does not reform or perhaps (which God forbid) even rises up in pride and wants to defend her conduct, then let the Abbess do what a wise physician would do. Having used applications, the ointments of exhortation, the medicines of the Holy Scriptures, finally the cautery of excommunication and of the strokes of the rod, if she sees that her efforts are of no avail, let her apply a still greater remedy, her own prayers and those of all the others, that the Lord, who can do all things may restore health to the sister who is sick.

But if she is not healed even in this way, then let the Abbess use the knife of amputation, according to the Apostle's words, "Expel the evil one from your midst" (1 Cor. 5:13), and again, "If the faithless one departs, let him depart" (1 Cor. 7:15) lest one diseased sheep contaminate the whole flock.


Not everyone should be a monastic. Of those who should, not everyone belongs in this or that given monastery. Failing to realize either point can lead to a lot of trouble.

Not everyone belongs where they are. To keep someone somewhere at any price is foolish beyond words. It probably even does the one protected a great disservice and it is not always "charitable".

Ultimately, we should worry only about salvation. No one's salvation depends entirely on being in any given spot. It may be harder elsewhere, or it may be easier, but salvation does not depend totally on us: it was effected by Someone else, Whose ways are a mystery we often do not understand.

Just as some people insist on getting married, no matter what, even to the wrong person at the wrong time, there are others who insist on the wrong job or the wrong monastery. When this happens, whoever is in charge has a wonderful, loving opportunity to set things right and really ought to do so.

St. Benedict insists that we try everything, but not that we go on trying it forever, a fact sometimes perilously missed. We must, however always pray, even if the offender is expelled.

Br. Jerome Leo Hughes, OSB (RIP)

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