St. Mary's Monastery
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to holyrule
Br. Jerome Leo’s Daily Reflection on the Holy Rule
March 13, July 13, November 12
Chapter 35:
On the Weekly Servers in the Kitchen (1-11)
Let the
brethren serve one another, and let no one be excused from the kitchen service except by reason
of sickness or occupation in some important work. For this service
brings increase of reward and of charity. But let helpers be provided for the
weak ones, that they may not be distressed by this work; and indeed let
everyone have help, as required by the size of the community or the
circumstances of the locality. If the community is a large one, the cellarer
shall be excused from the kitchen service; and so also those whose occupations
are of greater utility, as we said above. Let the rest serve one another in charity.
The one who
is ending his week of service shall do the cleaning on Saturday. He shall wash the
towels with which the brethren wipe their hands and feet; and this server
who is ending his week, aided by the one who is about to begin, shall wash the
feet of all the brethren. He shall return the utensils of his office to the cellarer
clean and
in good condition, and the cellarer in turn shall consign them to the incoming
server, in order that he may know what he gives out and what he receives back.
The first
thing I ever learned how to cook was (O, wondrous feat!!) boiled carrots. I
wasn't even in school yet, so I couldn't have been older than 4 or 5
at the time. I didn't like carrots as a child, either, but we often had
them for lunch, and I stoically ate them, just because I was so proud I
could fix them myself.
Get the
point? Serving our families makes us feel very special, a kind of special
that I think humility completely allows. If you have children, for
heaven's sake, teach them to cook. As they grow older, it might well
result in a night off for you and the child will benefit. Our relationship with
any group can suffer when we are only in a position of taking or
receiving. To know the full breadth of love, we must be able to give back,
in ways no matter how small.
Oblates who live alone can brighten many a life by inviting others to dinner.
Not only does it enhance one's own living space with a bit of celebration, but
it enriches the lives of those who may be lonely themselves (as well as those
who aren't!) that we may invite. No one has to look far for an elderly person
who probably would be delighted at a shared meal, no matter how simple. It
offers us a wondrous chance to serve and a great work of mercy, too! One can
still be feeding the hungry, even if they are not starving in a famine
somewhere. And don't forget that loneliness, too, is a terrible hunger!
Jesus did
not HAVE to serve. He had a lot of followers, some of them downright
fawning, no doubt, who would have gladly taken care of everything. Peter
raised the roof when Jesus stooped to wash his feet, but Jesus stopped him cold: if
Peter was unwilling to be served, he could have no part of Jesus the Servant. Whoa!!
What a privilege we have in every chance to serve our own, what a great likeness to God,
in Whose image we were made, but Whose likeness we must struggle to
maintain and perfect in ourselves.
Br. Jerome Leo Hughes, OSB (RIP)