Yesterday when I was driving on the road, I heard the sound of drums and fireworks coming from the road ahead of me. As it is a few days after the Ganesh Chaturti festival, I thought they would be taking Ganesha in procession. As I crossed the procession, I found that it was a funeral procession. Except for the dead body and people near the body crying, it had everything of a Ganesha procession – music, dance, fireworks, flower decoration, etc.
After making the image of Ganesha, God is invoked in the image and worshiped. After the worship, He is taken in a procession and after withdrawing God back into the heart of the worshiper and the empty image is dissolved into the natural elements again.
This is the same as the life story of a man. Once the zygote is formed, the person occupies it. It grows into a body, it takes birth and keeps changing. The person undergoes so many experiences and does so many actions in the world using the body as an instrument and residence. When the body is living, the person bathes it, dresses it, feeds it, etc just as puja is done to God through an image. When it is time, the person leaves the body. The empty body is disposed off into the natural elements by other people. The last journey of the Ganesha idol and the empty body is not very different indeed.
A few days back a person wrote on a discussion forum that Ganesha puja, Durga puja, etc where the image is disposed off after worship are strong messages against people who accuse Hindus of worshiping images. We neither worship images, nor do we worship the human body.
{Be not negligent about the study and exposition of scriptures. - Taittriya Upanishad}
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Dear All ,
I like everything of Ramakrishna Mission . Except the NON-VEG eating by the monks .
It is a fact that If more & more people become VEG , The Global warming effect can be reduced
SO I think Ram Krishna Mission should promote Vegetarian diet .
Bishnu Kedia
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I was happened to be in Belur Math for one day during my stay in Seoraphully . There I had offered VEG Meal . Also there was provision for NON-VEG Meal .
I used to be NON VEG few years back . But on a Doctor’s suggession I had to become VEG . And now I am feeling better .
IN GITA , Bhagwan is also telling us to be VEG . So is GITA wrong .
SOUTH INDIAN Monks of Ramakrishna Order are generally VEG . So why there shoud be two type of practice . The same organization can not practice two option in regards to food .
Other religious organization like Bramha Kumari & Chinmaya Mission are VEG . Are they wrong .
Also we should not kill animal ( Fish , Hen , Goat ) for fooding . as they are also the creation of GOD . Atma is also there in their Body .
And the composition of their atma & Our ( Homosepiens ) atma is same .
And last but not the least , What is your take on Cow meat eating . is it also allowed in Dharma ?
Bishnu Kedia
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And By no means I am showing disrespect to the Rama Krishna Movement or its Monk . I have raised this issue as I firmly believe that the world would be a better place to live If all its member become VEG ……… GO Greeen …. One planet to survive….
I am not hurting anybody’s sentiment … I have raised this issue just for discussion …. If I have hurt anybody ….. I am sorry .
Bishnu Kedia
Dear Tirthaji
I see lot of mail …… coming from this group which are not at all related to spirituality …..Still when I have raised an important point…..You are telling me to close the discussion
There is a proverb in English ….. “ We are what we eat “ Meat , tea coffie etc are all tamasic food . But the vegetarian diet is purely satwik . The satwik nature of food raise the spirituality level in us .
I am not trying to impose any food habit on anybody . I have raised an issue … which I think is closely related to spirituality .
Can anybody site any reference ….. as to where it is mentioned to consume non veg in our sanathan dharma .
Bishnu Kedia .
O mundo não está ameaçado pelas pessoas más, e sim por aquelas que permitem a maldade. Não ouça maldades. Recusemo-nos a ouvir fofocas, calúnias e outras formas de falas negativas. Fuja das fofocas e maldades gratuitas. Precisamos de mais tolerância, respeito e humildade.
The more the shades around deepen, the more the ends approach and the more one understands the true meaning of life, that it is a dream; and we begin to understand the failure of everyone to grasp it, for they only attempted to get meaning out of the meaningless. To get reality out of a dream is boyish enthusiasm. "Everything is evanescent, everything is changeful" — knowing this, the sage gives up both pleasure and pain and becomes a witness of this panorama (the universe) without attaching himself to anything. Swamiji to Mary Hale 1895
Dear Vishnuji
Some Hindus think that it is against their
religion to have non-vegetarian food But the fact is that the Hindu scriptures
permit a person to have meat The scripture mentions sages and saints having
meat. Hindu scriptures clearly mention that there is nothing wrong in having
It is mentioned in Manu Smruti, the law book of Hindus! In chapter 5 verse 30
“The eater who eats the flesh of those to be eaten does nothing bad! even if he
does it day after day; for God himself created some to be eaten and some to be
Again next verse of Manu Smruti that is; chapter 5 verse 31 says “Eating meat
is right for the sacrifice, this is traditionally known as a rule of the gods”
Further in Manu Smruti chapter 5 verse 39 and 40 says “God himself created
sacrificial animals for sacrifice… therefore killing in a sacrifice is not
Manu Smruti even narrates the supremacy of killing animals in sacrifice it is
mentioned in chapter 5 verse 42 “A twice born (a Brahmin) who knows the true
meaning of Vedas and injures sacrificial animals for CORRECT PURPOSES cause
both himself and the animal to go to the highest level of existence”.
Among the Hindu scriptures Vedas are considered as most ancient and most
sacred. We find mentioning of non-vegetarian food in Vedas too it is mentioned
in Rig-Veda book 10 Hymn 27 verse 2 “Then will I, when I lead my friends to
battle against the radiant persons of godless, prepare for thee at home a
vigorous bullock, and pour for thee the fifteen fold strong juices”
Again in RigVeda book 10 Hymn 28 verse 3 it says “0 Indra, Bulls they dress for
thee, and of these (meat) thou eatest when Maghavan, with food thou art
invited”. In Rig veda Book 10 Hymn 86 verse 13 says “indra will eat thy bulls,
thy dear oblation that effecteth much. Supreme is Indra over all”
These verses indicates that Indra, a god of vedic age, used to eat meat.
Also another god of vedic age, Agni, is referred to as “flesh-eater’ in vedas.
For example, in Rig Veda bock 10 Hymn 16 verse 10 it is said I choose as god
for Father-worship Agni, FLESH Eater, who hath past within your dwellings”. In
RigVeda Vivah sukta book 10 Hymn 85 verse 13, it mentions that during marriage
ceremony the guests were fed with the meat. it says “in Magha days are oxen
slain, in Arjunis they wed the bride” Atherva veda book 9 Hymn 4 verses
37-38-39 gives _expression that cow’s milk and cow’s meat are most tasty among
all other foods. It says “The man should not eat before the guest who is
Brahmin versed in holy lore When the guest hath eaten he should eat. Now the
sweetest portion, the produce of cow, milk or flesh, that verily he should not
eat (before the guest)” If you read Mahabharata Shanti Parva chapter 29, a
story of greatness of a king called Rantideva is described It is said that he
was very rich and generous, and used to feed thousands of guests. The paragraph
reads as follows “All the vessels and the plates, in Rantideva’s palace, for
holding food and other articles, all the jugs and other pots, the pan and
plates and cups, were of gold. On those nights during which the guests used to
live in Rantideva’s abode, twenty thousand and one hundred kine {cows} had to
be slaughtered. Yet even on such occasions, the cooks, decked in ear-rings, used
to proclaim (amongst those that sat for supper) “There is abundant of soup,
take as much as you wish, but of flesh we have not as much today as on former
occasions” This shows that even after slaughtering 20,100 cows, meat used to
fall short on some occasions.
Many more quotations can be given where non-vegetarian food is given preference
compared to vegetarian food. For example,
Mahabharata Anushashan Parva chapter 88
narrates the discussion between Dharmaraj Yudhishthira and Pitamah Bhishma
about what food one should offer to Piths (ancestors) during the Shraddha
(ceremony of dead) to keep them satisfied Paragraph reads as follows
“Yudhishthirn said, “0 thou of great puissance, tell me what that object is
which, if dedicated to the pitris (dead ancestors), become inexhaustible! What
Havi, again, (if offered) lasts for all time? What, indeed, is that which (if
presented) becomes eternal?”
“Bhisma said, Listen to me, 0 Yudhishthira, what those Havis are which persons
conversant with the rituals of the Shraddha (the ceremony of dead) regard as
suitable in view of Shraddha and what the fruits are that attach to each. With
sesame seeds and rice and barley and Masha and water and roots and fruits, if
given at Shraddhas, the pitris, 0 king, remain gratified for the period of a
month. With fishes offered at Shraddha, the pitris remain gratified for a
period of two months. With the muflon they remain gratified for three months
and with the hare for four months, with the flesh of the goat for five months,
with the bacon (meat of pig) for six months, and with the flesh of birds for
seven. With venison obtained from those deer that are called Prishata, they
remain gratified for eight months, and with that obtained form the Ruru for
nine months, and with the meat of Gavaya for ten months. With the meat of the
buffalo their gratification lasts for eleven months. With beef presented at the
Shraddha, their gratification, it is said, lasts for a full year. Payesa mixed
with ghee is as much acceptable to the pitris as beef. With the meat of
Vadhrinasa (a large bull) the gratification of pitris lasts for twelve years.
The flesh of rhinoceros, offered to the pitris on anniversaries of the lunar
days on which they died, becomes inexhaustible. The potherb called Kalaska, the
petals of Kanchana flower, and meat of (red) goat also, thus offered, prove
So but natural if you want to keep your ancestors satisfied forever, you should
serve them the meat of red goat.
Same message is repeated in Manu Smruti Chapter 3 verses 266 to 272. In
Shraddha (ceremony of dead) even Brahmjn priests are expected to eat meat. Manu
Smruti instructs Hindus to serve non-vegetarian food to priests i.e. Brahmins.
It says in Chapter 3 verses 226 and 227 “Purified and with a concentrated mind,
he should put down on the ground before (those priests) seasoned foods like
soups and vegetables and also milk, yogurt, clarified butter, honey and various
foods that are eaten and enjoyed, roots and fruits, tasty meats, and fragrant
Hindu scriptures not only allow non-vegetarian food but at few places it makes
it compulsory for Hindus to eat non-vegetarian food. If anyone refuses non
vegetarian food, he will have to face consequences.
according Hindu Scriptures, In Vishnu Dharmottar Puran book 1 chapter 140
verses 49 & 50 says,
“Those who do not eat meat served in the ceremony of dead (Shraddha), will go
to hell (narak)”.
And Manu Smruti mentions still stronger punishment. In Manu Smruti Chapter 5
verse 35 it says,
“But when a man who is properly engaged in a ritual does not eat meat, after
his death he will become a sacrificial animal during twenty-one rebirths”
This verse says those who don’t eat meat will become sacrificial animals in
next twenty-one rebirths. It not only says that a person will become an animal
but says will become “sacrificial animal” meaning others will sacrifice him.
These statements are mentioned in vedic purans on fact basis .
About Global warming : The economy will come to standstill if we don’t produce vehicle . And we are doing lot to combat climate change .
About Cow meat eating : In our culture ( Vedanta ) we consider cow as our mother , and worship it as GOD …. It is said that cow ( of Indian origin ) are the GOD of Gods . One cow’s meat can feed 10-20 person . But one cow in his life span can feed thousand people .
So I think Cow slaughter is against our dharma … And if we have to return to our Golden Age …we have to save cow and increase their number ….. If cows number are increased in village … their dung will make the land fertile … Their will be no need of pesticide .
Bishnu Kedia
From: [] On Behalf Of Rupam Purkayastha
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010
Vedic Puranas are not that much authentic Veda , Upanishad & Geeta . (Vedanta )
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010
Dear All ,
As requested by Mr. Bharat Churiwala I am writing this conciliatory mail .
I have come to know that if all the Ved mantras are recited simultaneously …. The sound mix will produce the sound of Cow . So you can imagine the importnance of Cow & Bull .
Bishnu Kedia
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Dear All
Can somebody tell me what is the function of Mann .
Bishnu Kedia
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Foods have two type of ingrediendt 1. Sthula (Gross) & 2. Shuksha (Subtle )
Sthula ingredient means : protein , Vitamin , Carbohidrates etc
Sukhsma ingredient means : Satwik , Rajasik & Tamasik
The sthula ingredient make our sthula sarir while the shukshma ingredient make our sukhsma sarir
Bishnu Kedia
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of sastry
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 12:31
To: Devotees of Holy Trio
Dear Bhishnuji,
K.V.B. Sastry.