Ganesha Procession

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Sep 19, 2010, 5:57:13 AM9/19/10

Yesterday when I was driving on the road, I heard the sound of drums and fireworks coming from the road ahead of me. As it is a few days after the Ganesh Chaturti festival, I thought they would be taking Ganesha in procession. As I crossed the procession, I found that it was a funeral procession. Except for the dead body and people near the body crying, it had everything of a Ganesha procession – music, dance, fireworks, flower decoration, etc.

After making the image of Ganesha, God is invoked in the image and worshiped. After the worship, He is taken in a procession and after withdrawing God back into the heart of the worshiper and the empty image is dissolved into the natural elements again.

This is the same as the life story of a man. Once the zygote is formed, the person occupies it. It grows into a body, it takes birth and keeps changing. The person undergoes so many experiences and does so many actions in the world using the body as an instrument and residence. When the body is living, the person bathes it, dresses it, feeds it, etc just as puja is done to God through an image. When it is time, the person leaves the body. The empty body is disposed off into the natural elements by other people. The last journey of the Ganesha idol and the empty body is not very different indeed.

A few days back a person wrote on a discussion forum that Ganesha puja, Durga puja, etc where the image is disposed off after worship are strong messages against people who accuse Hindus of worshiping images. We neither worship images, nor do we worship the human body.


Sankhadip Das

Sep 20, 2010, 8:35:09 AM9/20/10
Respected Gomuji

The Hinduism is one of the finest religion which teaches Monism from ages. But still other religions criticize and behave violently to this idol worship by not understanding the idea behind it. 

Recently,  a very good book "modern physics & vedanta" published by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, author is Swami Jitatmananda of our mission. 

Revered Swamiji did vast research by referring the works of reputed quantum physicists like Heisenberg, Bonn, Schroedinger etc. These scientists are proceeding towards a theory of everything (TOE). They accepted and bewildered by the discoveries of ancient sages of Sanatan Dharma. 



Sep 20, 2010, 9:01:09 AM9/20/10
Dear Dasji,

Yes. The lofty heights of Monism that the Vedas scale is mind boggling.

Thanks for the reference.

With regards,

{Be not negligent about the study and exposition of scriptures. - Taittriya Upanishad}
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Bharat Churiwala

Sep 21, 2010, 12:03:47 PM9/21/10
to Devotees of Holy Trio
Respected Gomuji,
Saadar Pranaam.
First of all let me express my joyfulness over your finding time regularly to SHARE SWEET MANGOES WITH ALL OF US!!
Your article on DRIVING AS SAADHNAA was the one which could have come from your heart only. The little I know of you and your approach to life is actually LIVING LIFE ITSELF IS SAADHNAA!
Since lot of things are written and responded on that topic, I really dont have anything more to say in that regard...Smile with tongue.
But your post of GANESHA PROCESSION could not have come at more opportune time!!!
A befitting reply to those who dont miss a single opportunity to malign our culture and our rituals (I am sure you will agree that lot of wrongdoings have also creeped in there!).
What a wonderful simile! Almost a Vedantic Fact: This is the same as the life story of a man. Once the zygote is formed, the person occupies it. It grows into a body, it takes birth and keeps changing. ... The empty body is disposed off into the natural elements by other people. The last journey of the Ganesha idol and the empty body is not very different indeed.
Thanks Gomuji, for feeding such nectar like posts.

Sep 22, 2010, 10:57:51 AM9/22/10



Dear All ,


I like everything of Ramakrishna Mission . Except the NON-VEG eating by the monks .


It is a fact that If more & more people become VEG , The Global warming effect can be reduced


SO I think Ram Krishna Mission should promote Vegetarian diet .





Bishnu Kedia

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Sankhadip Das

Sep 23, 2010, 5:58:37 AM9/23/10
Bishnu Ji

Consuming meat is an insignificant contributor in global warming. We should sacrifice unnecessary fuel consumption, AC, using public vehicle, deforestation, lavish lifestyle. More and more energy friendly vehicle, application should be invented. Sustainable industrilisation, agriculture, production is the only way. 

Only veg diet will not solve the problem. 

Further, non-veg diet is nothing to do with spirituality, if it is not taken extensively. Further, in coastal region like Bengal, Maharashtra etc. fish considered as staple foods like rice, pulse, 

Actual non-veg is kamini and kanchan. So, one should to try to leave that. 

Please concentrate on other fabulous work, service done by Mission, rather looking into the kitchen. 

You can reach enormous spiritual height even by continuing eating non-veg. 


radha ravivarma

Sep 23, 2010, 6:50:26 AM9/23/10
om namo bhagavathe Ramakrishnaya
   Thank you Sankhadip Das .You have explained it beautifully. In Gospel of SreeRamakrishna ''Your mind is important .Even if you eat sukara mamsa  if your mind is in a high state it does'nt matter. but if you take pure havishyanna and your mind is steeped in worldliness what is the use?



bileh choudhury

Sep 23, 2010, 7:50:07 AM9/23/10

Sep 23, 2010, 9:29:17 AM9/23/10

 I was happened to be in Belur Math for one day during my stay in Seoraphully . There I had offered VEG Meal . Also there was provision for NON-VEG Meal .


I used to be NON VEG few years back . But on a Doctor’s suggession I had to become VEG . And now I am feeling better .



IN GITA , Bhagwan is also telling us to be VEG . So is GITA wrong .


SOUTH INDIAN Monks of Ramakrishna Order are generally VEG  . So why there shoud be two type of practice . The same organization can not practice two option in regards to food .



Other religious organization like Bramha Kumari & Chinmaya Mission are VEG . Are they wrong .


Also we should not kill animal ( Fish , Hen , Goat ) for fooding . as they are also the creation of GOD . Atma is also there in their Body .

And the composition of their atma & Our ( Homosepiens ) atma is same .



And last but not the least , What  is your take on Cow meat eating . is it also allowed in  Dharma ?





Bishnu Kedia


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Sep 23, 2010, 9:36:57 AM9/23/10

And By no means I am showing disrespect to the Rama Krishna Movement or its Monk  . I have raised this issue as I firmly believe that the world would be a better place to live If all its member become  VEG ……… GO Greeen …. One planet to survive….



I am not hurting anybody’s sentiment … I have raised this issue just for discussion …. If I have hurt anybody ….. I am sorry .





Bishnu Kedia


Tirtha Mitra

Sep 23, 2010, 9:52:45 AM9/23/10
Dear Bishnuji,
Considering others sentiments regarding food, it is better you do not raise such topics. You like to be vegetarian so you follow it. I like eating non veg, so let me continue with my food habit. What is the point in imposing one on another? Some members have nicely explained this in earlier mails. A south Indian can not eat Chapati similarly a north Indian can not consume rice daily. There is a saying in HIndi "Aap ruchi khana, par ruchi parna" - meaning we eat what we like and dress what others like. Let us close the discussion on this topic.


Sep 23, 2010, 10:07:45 AM9/23/10


Dear Tirthaji


I see lot of mail …… coming from this group which are not at all related to spirituality …..Still when I have raised an important point…..You are telling me to close the discussion



There is a proverb in English ….. “ We are what we eat “  Meat , tea coffie etc are all tamasic food .  But the vegetarian diet is purely satwik .  The satwik nature of food raise the spirituality level in us .



I am not trying to impose any food habit on anybody . I have raised an issue … which I think is closely related to spirituality .



Can anybody site any reference ….. as to where it is mentioned to consume non veg in our sanathan dharma .



Bishnu Kedia .


Sankhadip Das

Sep 23, 2010, 10:47:33 AM9/23/10
Bishnu Ji

In Gita, Bhagawan never mentioned about veg or non-veg diet. He mentioned about type and class of foods such as Satwik, Rajasik and Tamasik. Meat is considered as rajasik food but that is needed as per the person's health. 

Doctors suggested Gandhiji's wife to take non-veg diet as she was very ill. Ultimately, Gandhiji allowed only egg. 

As you feel better to leave non-veg, in same manner one of my friend told me that he felt more energy when he starts taking non-veg. He was on veg diet for 5-6 years. So, the diet should be based on person's requirement, health.

The diet is also influenced by region. Mainly in coastal areas fish are abundantly available, so it is considered as one of the main composition of diet. In South and North India, the availability of fresh fish is less. So, vegetarian diet is in common. 

Further, RKM gives freedom to their followers. No rules, regulation is slapped. They believe as people progresses in the path of spirituality, the surroundings, diet etc will change automatically. No force is needed. 

Suppose i convert to veg, and continue thinking of Chicken biriyani, Shik kabab, Mutton kasha etc in meditation, so what is the purpose of this veg diet. So, let concentrate on spiritual development, the diet will automatically change. As Thakur said - more you go to East, West will be far from you.

As per your suggestion, all goat, cow etc are all creation of God. So, plant kingdom is. A seed sprouts, grows into trees, they reproduce by pollination, gives birth to fruit. So, you should leave veg diet also. As per vedanta, every thing comes from consciousness. Even inert material is condensed form of consciousness or energy. So, animal and plant only differs in expression of consciousness. If you are talking about sin for killing, i think one acquires equal sin if he kills a vegetable. Then one should think to live only on dry leaves or dead bodies (that to contains million bacteria).

As per Gita, Atma can not be killed. So, killing goat, fish do not do any harm to Atma. Thakur previously felt pain to see fishes were kept in bowl of water, so that they could be eaten later. But later He saw that only body dies, nothing happens to Atma.  

The same Thakur who ate fish, rebuked Swami Abhedananda Ji for fishing activity out of fun as in that fish were allured to bait and ultimately killed. He told it is same as inviting guests and offering them poisoned food. When Abhedananda Ji replied Atma can not be killed, Thakur said if you feel / understand the meaning, then why you should kill fish. So, the purpose is to be judged. We should not kill animal for fun. 

Further, cow was sacrificed in yagna in vedic times. It was narrated in Nachiketa's story and many other hymns of Vedas. But that was only for yagna purpose. Later considering the benefits of cow in society it was prohibited. In Math we eat prasad, so there is no question of veg or non-veg as it is sacrificed to God.  

You say:"that the world would be a better place to live If all its member become  VEG ……… GO Greeen …. One planet to survive…."

I oppose it. The reason for Bharat could not resist muslim invasion due to lack of strength. By the influence of Budhhism and Jainism, khastriyas were taken Ahimsa as vow. So, it was cake walk for foreigners to loot Bharat. Still we are seeing the effect. 

Go Green does not mean to eat veg, it means convert industrialisation eco-friendly. Ahimsha does not contain only eating non-veg, even if you think ill of other, that is also equal to kill. First we should try to love our neighbour, at least human, even by eating meat we can love each other. There are many murderers who is vegetarian. 

My point is spirituality is beyond meat eating. One should not waste time whether he should go veg or non-veg. Time is fleeting. If you think non-veg is wrong, leave that, but do not force other to accept your view and give judgement that they are wrong. 


Sankhadip Das

Sep 23, 2010, 11:17:49 AM9/23/10
Bishnu Ji

You can go through the Rig veda. There you will find some hymns where it is mentioned about significance of offering. 

But i am confirmed that in the time of Veda, people ate meat of bull, horse. Ashwamedh Yagna is one of the event, where horse was sacrificed. 

But meat eating was constricted only by offering to God. Rather priests guaranteed that the animal attained higher 'Yoni' of human. To replenish, Brahmana sacrificed their austerity and kings donated plenty amount of gold, cow, land etc. 

The issue is highly controversial, but still the truth is that Hindus are never pure vegetarian atleast upto the Buddhism and Jainism and Vaisnavism. 

Again Khastriya should eat meat. Suppose army starts eating pure satwik diet, it will reduce their aggressiveness, which results in defeat of country. As early said, that was one important reason why Bharat was repeatedly trampled.  

Again, i would like to say that the diet is only personal choice, as Tirtha Ji mentions. 


Swami Purnananda

Sep 23, 2010, 11:58:57 AM9/23/10
Even the Kshatriya of ancient times was prone more to eat hunted meat in order to hone up archery skills etc. and for physical expenditure of vigorous energy (see Valmiki Ramayana & other texts). The venison was what we call today "free range" and therefore did not have some of the health implications of today's processed meat. Many years ago I witnessed some funny (good humored) discussions held at Belur Math amongst the Holy Sadhus. Bengali Brothers stated that fish was not meat and that Shri Thakur Himself ate fish. "Why do you not grow a beard like Him also?" came the South Indian retort - and so on.

The fact is that meat eating is more practically to do with health. Meat is less digestible and therefore more liable to the production of accumulated toxins in the body. We here avoid mentioning the production of stress hormones and uric acid that will surely create stress in the eater. In the step by step disciplines outlined as Niyama in the Patanjali Yogasutras, there is the necessity for the cultivation of purity. Adding the Vedantic approach of revaluation rather than control, we can see how the body can be given a re-allocated ownership as the Lord's temple. If we do this nicely, concern for illness and disease becomes replaced by cleaning the Lord's house internally and externally. If well balanced sattwic food (as suggested in Gita ) is offered as yagna in the fire of digestion (the Lord as Vaishvanara), surely pure bodily cells will be produced as a fit instrument for the Lord's sacred work.

Besides all this Swami Vivekananda had much to say on the subject of diet, diabetes, water purification etc. that is worth reading.

Love & Blessings



Tirtha Mitra

Sep 23, 2010, 12:49:06 PM9/23/10
Dear Bishnuji,
Namashkar. Please do not take offense with me. 
If you are not trying to impose it, then why raise this topic atall? Bharatji and other devotees have discussed it at length. Please stop it here as it is pointless to discuss on this issue. We can never meet on this issue in our thought, though remaining a devotee of Holy Trio. Let the variety of people converge to the lotus feet of Sri Ramakrishna and let they not try to count holes on one another. This will destroy the variety. Let people select their food by nature. You are working for a company producing motor vehicles which is one of the largest contributor of warming. Will you stop working for Tata Motor just because, it is warming up the globe? Definitely not and we do not want you to do so. Therefore, leave us meat eaters also. Hope, now you will refrain and withdraw from further discussion on this issue.
Balaram Basu was getting disturbed by mosquitoes while meditating. He was a vegetarian and did not kill mosquitoes. He wanted to ask Thakur about this. The day he visited with this question, he found that Thakur was killing bed bugs. He got his answer.
Once Thakur asked Sw. Yogananda to take away a cockroach and kill it. He caught it and left it outside. On his return Thakur asked if he killed it. Thakur was angry as he did not kill it. So we see how Sri Ramakrishna trained his disciples. Once there was rain in Kamarpukur and all ponds were overflowing. A fish was playing near his feet. He told Hriday to catch it and leave in the pond. Hriday was upset as he missed the feast. Thakur told him that the fish took shelter at His feet so he should save it. You will find plenty of such incidents in Avataras lives. These are all rules of nature. Only human has a choice other do not. A tiger can not eat grass neither a cow can eat meat. Let the human chose their path.
Jai Sri Ramakrishna


Radha Mangala

Sep 23, 2010, 2:00:38 PM9/23/10
to holy trinity
Jai Thakur! jai Maa!
Dear Bishnuji
I found in Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda  (The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda
Volume 2 [ Page : 297 ] PRACTICAL VEDANTA: PART I) . I thought that it could be useful.
I am vegetarian too, I prefer it. I can understand your point of view, but each one has freedom to choose. The Swami Purnanandaji's explanation was so clear.

For you must always remember that the one central ideal of Vedanta is this oneness. There are no two in anything, no two lives, nor even two different kinds of life for the two worlds. You will find the Vedas speaking of heavens and things like that at first; but later on, when they come to the highest ideals of their philosophy, they brush away all these things. There is but one life, one world, one existence. Everything is that One, the difference is in degree and not in kind. The Vedanta entirely denies such ideas as that animals are separate from men, and that they were made and created by God to be used for our food.
Some people have been kind enough to start an anti - vivisection society. I asked a member, "Why do you think, my friend, that it is quite lawful to kill animals for food, and not to kill one or two for scientific experiments?" He replied, "Vivisection is most horrible, but animals have been given to us for food." Oneness includes all animals. If man's life is immortal, so also is the animal's. The difference is only in degree and not in kind. The amoeba and I are the same, the difference is only in degree; and from the standpoint of the highest life, all these differences vanish. A man may see a great deal of difference between grass and a little tree, but if you mount very high, the grass and the biggest tree will appear much the same. So, from the standpoint of the highest ideal, the lowest animal and the highest man are the same. If you believe there is a God, the animals and the highest creatures must be the same. A God who is partial to his children called men, and cruel to his children called brute beasts, is worse than a demon. I would rather die a hundred times than worship such a God. My whole life would be a fight with such a God. But there is no difference, and those who say there is, are irresponsible, heartless people who do not know. Here is a case of the word practical used in a wrong sense. I myself may not be a very strict vegetarian, but I understand the ideal. When I eat meat I know it is wrong. Even if I am bound to eat it under certain circumstances, I know it is cruel. I must not drag my ideal down to the actual and apologize for my weak conduct in this way. The ideal is not to eat flesh, not to injure any being, for all animals are my brothers. If you can think of them as your brothers, you have made a little headway towards the brotherhood of all souls, not to speak of the brotherhood of man! That is child's play. You generally find that this is not very acceptable to many, because it teaches them to give up the actual, and go higher up to the ideal. But if you bring out a theory which is reconciled with their present conduct, they regard it as entirely practical.

May the Lord may bless all of us


Antes de imprimir pense em sua responsabilidade e compromisso com o MEIO AMBIENTE


O mundo não está ameaçado pelas pessoas más, e sim por aquelas que permitem a maldade. Não ouça maldades. Recusemo-nos a ouvir fofocas, calúnias e outras formas de falas negativas. Fuja das fofocas e maldades gratuitas. Precisamos de mais tolerância, respeito e humildade.



The more the shades around deepen, the more the ends approach and the more one understands the true meaning of life, that it is a dream; and we begin to understand the failure of everyone to grasp it, for they only attempted to get meaning out of the meaningless. To get reality out of a dream is boyish enthusiasm. "Everything is evanescent, everything is changeful" — knowing this, the sage gives up both pleasure and pain and becomes a witness of this panorama (the universe) without attaching himself to anything.   Swamiji to Mary Hale 1895





Subject: [Devotees of Holy Trio:22646] VEG Vs NON VEG
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 16:27:51 +0530

Rupam Purkayastha

Sep 23, 2010, 4:00:30 PM9/23/10

Dear Vishnuji



Some Hindus think that it is against their religion to have non-vegetarian food But the fact is that the Hindu scriptures permit a person to have meat The scripture mentions sages and saints having meat. Hindu scriptures clearly mention that there is nothing wrong in having meat.
It is mentioned in Manu Smruti, the law book of Hindus! In chapter 5 verse 30 “The eater who eats the flesh of those to be eaten does nothing bad! even if he does it day after day; for God himself created some to be eaten and some to be eater”

Again next verse of Manu Smruti that is; chapter 5 verse 31 says “Eating meat is right for the sacrifice, this is traditionally known as a rule of the gods”

Further in Manu Smruti chapter 5 verse 39 and 40 says “God himself created sacrificial animals for sacrifice… therefore killing in a sacrifice is not killing.”

Manu Smruti even narrates the supremacy of killing animals in sacrifice it is mentioned in chapter 5 verse 42 “A twice born (a Brahmin) who knows the true meaning of Vedas and injures sacrificial animals for CORRECT PURPOSES cause both himself and the animal to go to the highest level of existence”.

Among the Hindu scriptures Vedas are considered as most ancient and most sacred. We find mentioning of non-vegetarian food in Vedas too it is mentioned in Rig-Veda book 10 Hymn 27 verse 2 “Then will I, when I lead my friends to battle against the radiant persons of godless, prepare for thee at home a vigorous bullock, and pour for thee the fifteen fold strong juices”

Again in RigVeda book 10 Hymn 28 verse 3 it says “0 Indra, Bulls they dress for thee, and of these (meat) thou eatest when Maghavan, with food thou art invited”. In Rig veda Book 10 Hymn 86 verse 13 says “indra will eat thy bulls, thy dear oblation that effecteth much. Supreme is Indra over all”

These verses indicates that Indra, a god of vedic age, used to eat meat.

Also another god of vedic age, Agni, is referred to as “flesh-eater’ in vedas.

For example, in Rig Veda bock 10 Hymn 16 verse 10 it is said I choose as god for Father-worship Agni, FLESH Eater, who hath past within your dwellings”. In RigVeda Vivah sukta book 10 Hymn 85 verse 13, it mentions that during marriage ceremony the guests were fed with the meat. it says “in Magha days are oxen slain, in Arjunis they wed the bride” Atherva veda book 9 Hymn 4 verses 37-38-39 gives _expression that cow’s milk and cow’s meat are most tasty among all other foods. It says “The man should not eat before the guest who is Brahmin versed in holy lore When the guest hath eaten he should eat. Now the sweetest portion, the produce of cow, milk or flesh, that verily he should not eat (before the guest)” If you read Mahabharata Shanti Parva chapter 29, a story of greatness of a king called Rantideva is described It is said that he was very rich and generous, and used to feed thousands of guests. The paragraph reads as follows “All the vessels and the plates, in Rantideva’s palace, for holding food and other articles, all the jugs and other pots, the pan and plates and cups, were of gold. On those nights during which the guests used to live in Rantideva’s abode, twenty thousand and one hundred kine {cows} had to be slaughtered. Yet even on such occasions, the cooks, decked in ear-rings, used to proclaim (amongst those that sat for supper) “There is abundant of soup, take as much as you wish, but of flesh we have not as much today as on former occasions” This shows that even after slaughtering 20,100 cows, meat used to fall short on some occasions.

Many more quotations can be given where non-vegetarian food is given preference compared to vegetarian food. For example,

Mahabharata Anushashan Parva chapter 88

narrates the discussion between Dharmaraj Yudhishthira and Pitamah Bhishma about what food one should offer to Piths (ancestors) during the Shraddha (ceremony of dead) to keep them satisfied Paragraph reads as follows “Yudhishthirn said, “0 thou of great puissance, tell me what that object is which, if dedicated to the pitris (dead ancestors), become inexhaustible! What Havi, again, (if offered) lasts for all time? What, indeed, is that which (if presented) becomes eternal?”
“Bhisma said, Listen to me, 0 Yudhishthira, what those Havis are which persons conversant with the rituals of the Shraddha (the ceremony of dead) regard as suitable in view of Shraddha and what the fruits are that attach to each. With sesame seeds and rice and barley and Masha and water and roots and fruits, if given at Shraddhas, the pitris, 0 king, remain gratified for the period of a month. With fishes offered at Shraddha, the pitris remain gratified for a period of two months. With the muflon they remain gratified for three months and with the hare for four months, with the flesh of the goat for five months, with the bacon (meat of pig) for six months, and with the flesh of birds for seven. With venison obtained from those deer that are called Prishata, they remain gratified for eight months, and with that obtained form the Ruru for nine months, and with the meat of Gavaya for ten months. With the meat of the buffalo their gratification lasts for eleven months. With beef presented at the Shraddha, their gratification, it is said, lasts for a full year. Payesa mixed with ghee is as much acceptable to the pitris as beef. With the meat of Vadhrinasa (a large bull) the gratification of pitris lasts for twelve years. The flesh of rhinoceros, offered to the pitris on anniversaries of the lunar days on which they died, becomes inexhaustible. The potherb called Kalaska, the petals of Kanchana flower, and meat of (red) goat also, thus offered, prove inexhaustible.

So but natural if you want to keep your ancestors satisfied forever, you should serve them the meat of red goat.

Same message is repeated in Manu Smruti Chapter 3 verses 266 to 272. In Shraddha (ceremony of dead) even Brahmjn priests are expected to eat meat. Manu Smruti instructs Hindus to serve non-vegetarian food to priests i.e. Brahmins. It says in Chapter 3 verses 226 and 227 “Purified and with a concentrated mind, he should put down on the ground before (those priests) seasoned foods like soups and vegetables and also milk, yogurt, clarified butter, honey and various foods that are eaten and enjoyed, roots and fruits, tasty meats, and fragrant water.

Hindu scriptures not only allow non-vegetarian food but at few places it makes it compulsory for Hindus to eat non-vegetarian food. If anyone refuses non vegetarian food, he will have to face consequences.

according Hindu Scriptures, In Vishnu Dharmottar Puran book 1 chapter 140 verses 49 & 50 says,
“Those who do not eat meat served in the ceremony of dead (Shraddha), will go to hell (narak)”.
And Manu Smruti mentions still stronger punishment. In Manu Smruti Chapter 5 verse 35 it says,
“But when a man who is properly engaged in a ritual does not eat meat, after his death he will become a sacrificial animal during twenty-one rebirths”

This verse says those who don’t eat meat will become sacrificial animals in next twenty-one rebirths. It not only says that a person will become an animal but says will become “sacrificial animal” meaning others will sacrifice him.

These statements are mentioned in vedic purans on fact basis .

Sep 24, 2010, 3:46:20 AM9/24/10

About Global warming : The economy will come to standstill if we don’t produce vehicle . And we are doing lot to combat climate change .



 About Cow meat eating : In our culture ( Vedanta )  we consider cow as our mother , and worship it as GOD …. It is said that cow ( of Indian origin ) are the GOD of Gods . One cow’s  meat can feed 10-20 person . But one cow in his life span can feed thousand people .


So I think Cow slaughter is against our dharma … And if we have to return to our Golden Age …we have to save cow and increase their number ….. If cows number are increased in village … their dung will make the land fertile … Their will be no need of pesticide .





Bishnu Kedia




From: [] On Behalf Of Rupam Purkayastha

Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 21:31

Sep 24, 2010, 3:55:14 AM9/24/10

Vedic Puranas are not that much authentic Veda , Upanishad & Geeta . (Vedanta )



Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 09:16

Sankhadip Das

Sep 24, 2010, 5:26:43 AM9/24/10
This was the reason why cow slaughter was banned, for their contribution to society, but problem is that in scriptures often 'Mamsa' means kernel of fruits. So, it is difficult to determine whether it is referred as flesh or as  fruits. The scripture available on net is not authentic one, because of translator's quality. In Sanskrit one word can be interpreted by various way.

So, better to clarify with a person who are very much proficient in Sanskrit. 

Further Veda's many sections deal with Karmakanda. Where specific type of yagnas carried out to get specific result. So, sacrifice was necessary. In Bengal, sacrificing buffalo and goat are very common in the day of Kali puja. These are all 'Sakam Upasana'.

in Vedanta, even in Katha Upanishad, there was mention of sacrifices with Bull. Nachiketa's father offered old, sick bull, so Nachiketa protested. 

But for spiritual progress, satwik food is essential. Even in veg diet, extensive use of spice, sour, salt, sweet should be avoided. Master Mahashay of Gospel, used to eat only milk & rice, chapati and milk. That is called Satwik food. 

Arnab Lahiri

Sep 24, 2010, 7:33:34 AM9/24/10
Whats your idea on this:

With grasses and green as food, they will hold guns, huge ammunitions on their back at a temperature less than zero and all ice around. They can't eat meat for that has drawbacks, cant take alcohol since that is more forbidden and they will stand like that till they die. I am talking about Indian soldiers.

Global warming- For the first time i heard that eating non-veg contributes so much to global warming compared to Heavy industries and other industries. So, whats your take on Economics? Do you feel that Mother Earth produces so much to feed all people on earth if they all turn veg? Do you feel that with Veg food we can support 1.2 Billion population! Using the law of Demand and Supply, any idea where the food prices will soar if done so?  Whats your idea on Malthusian Catastrophe (Based on Malthusian Theory) where he argued that population grows in GP  and food resources grown in AP, thus creating a huge gap. Any idea where and how the gap is maintained? Because not all depends on green. Some shift their interest to Non veg thus creating enough room for the population to thrive and food for all.

Here is a quote from Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad (which is a part of Vedanta):

....susrusitam vacam bhasita jayeta, sarvan vedan anubruvita, sarvam ayur iyad iti, mamsodanam pacayitva sarpismantam asniyatam; isvarau janayita vai, auksnena varsabhena va.

which means:

... that he should study all the vedas, that he should atttain a full term of life, they should have rice cooked with meat and eat it with clearified butter... (part of the whole text is intensionally omitted since that is not anyway related to the discussion)

Dr. S Radhakrishnan writes in explaination to this text: Evidently meat eating was permitted on certain occasions. This permission was due to local conditions (desa-visesapeksaya kala-visesapeksaya va mamsa-niyamah)

There are many more such thoughts filled in the Upanisad but due to lack of time all can not be presented. If you want more, i can present you but that will require time to revisit all the pages.

Have you heard the name of famous Mathematician Srivasa Ramanujan from South. Just read on Him in Wikipedia you will find a peculiar fact about the great scholar who is still admired world wide... If he would have survived we would have been blessed with some more research but alas! 

Religion is not discussion about which hand to use to lift the cup. Its beyond that. What you feel that people residing in Russia or other cold countries- specially the Indians there will survive feeding themselves on veg food without alcohol and all? I am not supporting non veg or veg. I am not encouraging alcohol drinking or any other such thing. But i feel that this is totally a personal thing and has least effect on one's spiritual life and practices. 

Gautam Buddha fed on Sukkarmaddav offered by one of His devotee. Do you feel that that lowered His spirituality anyway? 

Think about this....
Nature evolves a world full of woe and desolation to raise the soul from its slumber

Tirtha Mitra

Sep 24, 2010, 7:59:35 AM9/24/10
Arnab's reply is 21st to the original post. It raised sufficient debate in the group with no winner or loser. But it definitely spilled some bad blood. Let me now share a joke which we often repeat.
All auditors are non-vegetarians. Do you know why? They eat human brain.

Arnab Lahiri

Sep 24, 2010, 8:03:44 AM9/24/10
But some auditors are vegetarians also those who shake hands before and after auditing ;) :) Govt is trying to abandon long term relation auditors for the reason haha. Govt wants them to remain non-veg :)

Bharat Churiwala

Sep 24, 2010, 8:58:40 AM9/24/10
to Devotees of Holy Trio
Respected Arnabji, Tirthada, and Devotees,
Saadar Pranaam.
Continue the Humour trail, here is something on Auditors! (Completely out of Humour and NO DISRESPECT MEANT TO THEIR PROFESSION!!)
Once Owner of one firm, was getting his account audited by a Auditor. While flipping the pages of Ledger, suddenly Auditor stopped!
Account head of that account was, "Food for Dogs Expenditure A/c"!!!!!
Auditor said, "I cannot allow this as an expenditure! In fact you might be feeding your house pet dog with lot of Meat and all, and debiting the expenditure in firm and thus try to evade tax payable to Government!!"
Owner replied, "No sir, this expenditure is 100% business expenses! All the money we spent on HUNGRY DOGS outside our office, factory are debited to this account!"
Auditor: "How it is possible! I see many entries of more than 1000 Rs. at a time! Dogs cant eat that much!"
Owner: "Sir, Let me ask you one simple question! Under what head we can debit all the BRIBES paid to various Inspectors including Bribe which we will have to pay for getting our Income Tax Returns approved!!!! In fact WE ALSO DEBIT THAT AMOUNT TO THIS ACCOUNT HEAD ONLY!
Respected Vishnuji,
Please maintain the Decorum! One and formost thing Holy Trio has taught is Harmony! Coordiality! Just one sentence on this sentence! This group belongs to DEVOTEES OF HOLY TRIO! Apart from Monks of Ramakrishna Order, their are definitely if not Lacs but definitely Thousands of Non Veg Devotees who have accepted Thakur, Maa and Swamiji as their Chosen Deity! We have no right to SAY ANYTHING AGAINST THEIR EATING HABITS!
Today, I was talking with One Maharajji of Ramakrishna Order on this subject! Main thing about Eating Habits is EAT WHATEVER SUITS YOUR BODY!!! This is accepted fact as per Medical Facts!!
As far Global Warming issue is considered, Just imagine the situation in whole world!! Suppose all 620 Billions of People on earth become Vegetarian!!!! Do you think that THERE WILL BE ENOUGH FOOD AVAILABLE ON EARTH TO FEED ALL!!
I am just making a wild guess, "According to me Vegetarian People may not be more 10-15% of world population! With this much less people, just think of Millions and Millions of People in African, and may be some other poor nations WHO ARE NOT GETTING FOOD EVEN TODAY.......... For a hungry man FOOD IS FOOD! Whether VEG or NON VEG!
My Humble request to you is, LET US CLOSE THIS TOPIC! I would sincerely request you to express your sentiments after reading all those views in a short concilliatory mail!
And Lastly I humbly request you, to write to me or any of Maharajjis whose email Id you can get from postings, if you still have some more points to be clarified.

Sep 24, 2010, 11:13:14 AM9/24/10

Dear All ,


As requested by Mr. Bharat Churiwala  I am writing this conciliatory mail .


  1. Food is a purely personal choice . I have no agenda against NON VEG Peope ( As before 5 years I myself was NON- VEG )
  2. People will gradually move from rejasic to Satwic food as their spiritual level rise
  3. I firmly believe that cow meat eating is not prescribed in dharma . We ( Marwaris ) worship cow as our mother . Recently I have lost my mother  , And as a shradhha ritual I used to feed a cow with food before my own meal .
  4. I have no problem with people who eat fish , goat  or any other animal except COW ( Indian Breed )


I have come to know that if all the Ved mantras are recited simultaneously …. The sound mix will produce the sound of Cow .  So you can imagine the importnance of Cow & Bull .




Bishnu Kedia




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Sep 24, 2010, 11:50:55 AM9/24/10

Dear All



Can somebody tell me what is the function of Mann .





Bishnu Kedia



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Bharat Churiwala

Sep 24, 2010, 12:17:46 PM9/24/10
to Devotees of Holy Trio
Respected Vishnuji,
First of all my heartfelt condolences on passing away of your Mother. As you might be aware that my Father also passed away recently, and this ritual of GAU GRASS is very strictly observed in our culture. I also did not drink water before offering GAU GRASS for 15 days continously. Some time because of shraddha ceremony, it used to be even 1 pm till I could take my morning breakfast!
Now as regards COW as WORSHIP WORTHY, I will like to mention this from RAMAKRISHNA LEELAPRASANGA:
It may be asked if India ever had any national life before it came in contact with the West. The answer is that, although it was not there in theory, it did undoubtedly exist in fact. For, even in those days the people of India as a whole venerated the Guru, the Ganga, the Gayatri and the Gita; and "Go" (the cow) evoked the tenderest and most reverential feelings of the people of India everywhere. P. 16-17 Ramakrishna The Great Master
I was amazed that ALL THESE WORHIP WORTHY OBJECTS begin with alphabet "GA". Recently I thought GANESHJI also can be added to this List!! So it can be said, Ganesh, Guru, the Ganga, the Gayatri and the Gita; and "Go" have been worshipped  through out Bharat from time immomerial.

Thanks once again, for everything and continous participating in Group Discussions, WHICH IS THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS FAMILY.
a devotee of Devotees

Rita Basumallick

Sep 24, 2010, 1:48:39 PM9/24/10
to, <>
Poor Cows from other countries!!! They r not spared!! I thot religion is a creation of man only!
Sorry, ddnt want this to start all over again. But just couldn't resist to react when I saw discrimation to cows based on their country of origin.
LOL!! Pity how we humans stetch our imagination

Sent from my iPhone


Oct 1, 2010, 7:01:02 AM10/1/10
to Devotees of Holy Trio
Dear Bhishnuji,

If we think practically about the influence of
the food on the mind, there is its influence. But when it is taken
in a limit its positive effect will be there. For example, doctor
suggests us to go for walk to have diabetes under control. Taking
it seriously if we go on walking for longer distances which are
beyond tolerance limits, instead of curing , it will harm us.
Therefore, what we have to do is to find ourselves that kind of food
which enables our mind remain calm and helps us to pursue our
spiritual path. If it is found proper, it is alright. Please do
advise me , if possible.

K.V.B. Sastry.

On Sep 23, 3:07 pm, <> wrote:
> Dear Tirthaji
> I see lot of mail ...... coming from this group which are not at all
> related to spirituality .....Still when I have raised an important
> point.....You are telling me to close the discussion
> There is a proverb in English ..... " We are what we eat "  Meat , tea
> coffie etc are all tamasic food .  But the vegetarian diet is purely
> satwik .  The satwik nature of food raise the spirituality level in us .
> I am not trying to impose any food habit on anybody . I have raised an
> issue ... which I think is closely related to spirituality .
> Can anybody site any reference ..... as to where it is mentioned to
> consume non veg in our sanathan dharma .
> Regards
> Bishnu Kedia .
> ________________________________
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Tirtha Mitra
> Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 15:23
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Devotees of Holy Trio:22673] VEG Vs NON VEG
> Dear Bishnuji,
> Considering others sentiments regarding food, it is better you do not
> raise such topics. You like to be vegetarian so you follow it. I like
> eating non veg, so let me continue with my food habit. What is the point
> in imposing one on another? Some members have nicely explained this in
> earlier mails. A south Indian can not eat Chapati similarly a north
> Indian can not consume rice daily. There is a saying in HIndi "Aap ruchi
> khana, par ruchi parna" - meaning we eat what we like and dress what
> others like. Let us close the discussion on this topic.
> Regards
> Tirthankar
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 3:06 PM, <> wrote:
> And By no means I am showing disrespect to the Rama Krishna Movement or
> its Monk  . I have raised this issue as I firmly believe that the world
> would be a better place to live If all its member become  VEG .........
> GO Greeen .... One planet to survive....
> I am not hurting anybody's sentiment ... I have raised this issue just
> for discussion .... If I have hurt anybody ..... I am sorry .
> On 23 September 2010 12:20, radha ravivarma <>
> wrote:
> om namo bhagavathe Ramakrishnaya
>    Thank you Sankhadip Das .You have explained it beautifully. In Gospel
> of SreeRamakrishna ''Your mind is important .Even if you eat sukara
> mamsa  if your mind is in a high state it does'nt matter. but if you
> take pure havishyanna and your mind is steeped in worldliness what is
> the use?
> radha
> On 9/22/10, Sankhadip Das <>  wrote:
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> Any opinions expressed in this email are those of the individual and not necessarily of the organization.
> Before opening attachment(s), please scan for viruses."
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Oct 3, 2010, 10:30:01 AM10/3/10
Dear Sastryji ,

Foods have two type of ingrediendt 1. Sthula (Gross) & 2. Shuksha (Subtle )

Sthula ingredient means : protein , Vitamin , Carbohidrates etc

Sukhsma ingredient means : Satwik , Rajasik & Tamasik

The sthula ingredient make our sthula sarir while the shukshma ingredient make our sukhsma sarir


Bishnu Kedia

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of sastry
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 12:31
To: Devotees of Holy Trio

Dear Bhishnuji,

K.V.B. Sastry.


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