Passages from Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play! 25-July-2021 - 299

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Satwik Joglekar

2021年7月24日 22:51:582021/7/24
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Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play! 299

Passages from “Sri Sarada Devi and Her Divine Play” – p: 300 – 301

By Swami Chetanananda

Vedanta Society of St Louis


RADHU – 07


In January 1918 Holy Mother was in Jayrambati when she became very ill. Swami Saradananda travelled with Dr. Kanjilal, Dr. Satish Chakrabarty, Yogin-ma, Golap-ma, and Sarala (later Bharatiprana) to Jayrambati to look after her. In a short time she felt better, and Saradananda and the doctors returned to Calcutta. Holy Mother then went to Koalpara. There her fever relapsed and her condition became critical. At that time Radhu suddenly left for her husband’s house. She said to the Mother, “You have many devotees to look after you, but who else do I have except my husband?” Holy Mother told her disciples about this incident and said: “The way Radhu cut the bond of my attachment yesterday and left for her husband’s house worried me. I thought perhaps that the Master does not want me to live any longer. My doting on Radhu is nothing but a form of maya, which I am holding in order to function.”17 [17 Mayer Katha (in one volume), Udbodhan Office: Calcutta, 2004, p. 124]


Human beings judge others according to their own understanding. They do not have the insight to evaluate the behaviour of divine beings. Now and then Holy Mother’s disciples and devotees complained to her about her attachment to Radhu. Sarala recalled:


One afternoon the Mother was talking on various topics. She said: “People think I worry about Radhu and am strongly attached to her. But they do not know that without this attachment my body would not have been preserved after the Master’s death. He himself kept the body alive through Radhu, for the sake of his work. When my mind withdraws from her I shall give up the body.”


In 1918 the Mother was in bed with a high fever in Koalpara Ashrama. Yogin-ma and Sharat Maharaj were attending her. Even seeing her serious condition, Radhu left for her husband’s home. The Mother did not want her to go. Then the Mother lamented to Yogin-ma, “Look Yogin, Radhu has left, abandoning me.” Yogin-ma replied: “Why shouldn’t she go, Mother? Don’t you remember that you walked all the way to Dakshineswar to be with the Master?” The Mother smiled a little and then said, “You are right, Yogin.”18 [18 Mayer Katha (in one volume), Udbodhan Office: Calcutta, 2004, p. 318]

May we follow the spiritual path shown by Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda to reach God, the goal of our lives, and by His power help others also in their struggle to reach Him.
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