Re: Josiah E. & Rebecca Graham Jones

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Clayton Mann

Jul 17, 2008, 9:10:59 PM7/17/08
to Melvin T. Jones, Cathy Dempsey,,,, Marc Hall,,

Mel, I think in both these cases that the records point to whom we believe they do.  However, I guess I can't say I'm 100% certain since I've only recently focused on these names, particularly William B. Jones.  I was hoping one of the others who have been kept in this e-mail loop might be able to add something to this to help us all reach the 100% certainty level.  For instance, I wonder why there is no gravestone for Rebecca where there is one for Josiah E.  And was anyone aware that William B. lived in Stephens County and taught school at the end of his life? I know so little about this family that I don't know if these facts seem reasonable, but it sure looks like this William Bill must be our William B, and it sure fits the family of Eli & Dicey well for Josiah E. (J. E.) to be born in Dec 1810.

If we all keep plugging away, I think we can piece together a lot more of this family.  I'd like to determine who Josiah's three youngest sisters were.  His oldest we know was Amerniah and I'm fairly certain that the next oldest daughter was Mary who married George P. Lott, but there was one more born in the late 1810s, one in the early 1820s, and one in the late 1820s.  The youngest, if she married, most likely did so in Marshall County, Mississippi.  The third daughter may have married in Haywood County, Tennessee like Mary must have done.  The 4th daughter was not in the household in 1840, but she may not have lived until then; but then again, she may speculation at this point.

I don't think there were any more sons of Eli & Dicey other than Josiah E., Richard D, and William G. The census records are consistent on this and I've found no other records that lead me to believe otherwise.  That's not to say I think it is not possible, we all know census records can't always be trusted, but the 1820, 1830 and 1840 records are quite consistent in what they reveal.  I think the other Jones families in the Haywood County & Marshall County areas are likely unrelated, or are nephews or cousins of Eli Jones.


P.S.  I added Nolan Jones to those copied on this e-mail.  I overlooked him earlier and owe him an apology.  Nolan, sorry about was not intentional.  I bet you'll have some things to add and I look forward to reading it.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 6:41 PM, Melvin T. Jones <> wrote:
Clayton;  I know that you just copied me on this but after reviewing William B. death certificate(Josiah's son) it shows mothers maiden name as 'Graham' which I have been trying to find for years. I have been going back and forth between 'Bone' and 'Graham' and this confirms that Rebecca's maiden name was 'Graham'. also the Mule Creek Cemetery listing give Josiah E.'s birth date and death date which I was missing. This has been a big piece to the puzzle,  thanks so much for including me.    Take Care   Mel
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: Josiah E. & Rebecca Graham Jones

Here's a link to a listing of graves in the Mule Creek Cemetery:
I see J.E. Jones here and the birth month/year works well with his parents being married in January of 1810.

I've also attached a Texas death certificate of a William B. Jones.  Is this Josiah's son?


On 7/11/08, Marc Hall <> wrote:
50 cents and my opinion will buy you a cup of coffee -- a saying I have used for years -- probably time I update the cost of a cup of coffee -- I don't really know what the enumerator intended -- I went back and forward a bunch of pages and can't figure out what "Do" means with any certainty -- So I pulled up the 1850 Marshall's Instructions to see if they would shed any light -- they are located at This is a site maintained by the University of Minnesota that helpfully has posted enumerator instructions for the various census years. It just says that the enumerator is to list the specific profession, occupation or trade and lists some examples -- clergyman, physician, farmer, student -- etc -- if a person "follows no particular profession" the enumerator is to enter "none" -- looking through the work of this enumerator, I found a "none" found a bunch of specific names -- but on one page where there was a large group of "Laborers" he used double quote marks down the page after the first Laborer
And I found one page where way down the page he has some what almost seem to be random "Do" scattered next to the head of household -- ah, the fun of trying to figure out what an enumerator was doing
I do know that "Do" was used for ditto and have seen some pages on other records where it was used consistently -- but this enumerator is not consistent and I can't crack his code for when he does use it.
I will try to recover my "lost" database file this weekend and see if I have additional information -- it has been a few years since I did my earliest work on Josiah and Rebecca and my memory is far from reliable anymore.
Oh -- I meant to mention -- on the copies of the files from the Texas General Land Office, there is only one paper signed by Josiah -- it is his affidavit of settlement on his claim -- while he had two patents, he bought the second acreage so there are no documents with his signature for that parcel -- but on the first, he signed his own name -- no mark in other words -- and he signed it as "Josi E. Jones" and the land patent is issued in the name of Josi E. Jones -- it may not mean anything, but it might be a clue for other findings that he possibly went by the nickname of "Josi"
By the way, his original homestead was for 40 acres and he bought the larger 160 acre parcel -- for $150

Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: Josiah E. & Rebecca Graham Jones

Thanks for clearing that up, Marc. I saw other census' where farmer was the occupation for Eli and Josiah and wondered at the difference. This is why it's so beneficial to have others look into the genealogy work. The next page of that census uses ditto marks ". Go figure!  
----- Original Message -----
From: Marc Hall
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: Josiah E. & Rebecca Graham Jones

It is slowly coming back to me -- I had forgotten the 1880 census record for the "Village of Clifton" Bosque County -- Mom was born in Clifton -- and the 1880 census record shows Josiah and Rebecca's son William B. at the top of the page -- I transcribed it wrong from the 1850 census record below in this thread as Wm. R -- but it was William B -- Josiah and Rebecca are down at the bottom of the page with their youngest son, John -- living with them is my great-grandfather H. C. Bradstreet -- he would have been their grandson -- H. C.'s parents lived out from town, north of Clifton
And the 1870 census record shows Josiah and Rebecca living in Meridian -- County Seat of Bosque County -- occupation is Tavern Keeper and on the 1880 census he is again listed as Farmer
I think the 1850 Marshall County, Miss census record where it appears that Eli and Josiah are listed as "Dr" is probably "Do" which census takers often used for "Ditto" -- I think it likely in the 1850 record that it is possibly Ditto for the occupation of Farmer listed previously -- usually when someone was a doctor, the occupation was listed as "Physician" -- I notice on the page previous to the Eli and Josiah entry there is an individual where an occupation is listed as Physician -- ironically, in addition to having H.C. as a boarder, Josiah and Rebecca in the 1880 census record have a boarder J.W. Stapleton who is listed as a Physician

Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: Josiah E. & Rebecca Graham Jones

Thanks to both of you for the information you have shared.  I think if we stay with it we can piece together the extended family of Dicia Holt Jones.  I've attached a few census records you may not have.  I have a lot more to share, though most of it is Holt family information, especially the family that stayed in NC. I'll get more of it together soon and send it along.

What I hope you two can help me accomplish is to establish who Dicia's children were, their spouses, their children, etc.  As I stated before, her three (and perhaps only) sons are known.  One daughter is known and I think I may have just figured out another: Mary E. who married George P. Lott.

We need to find out what records exist for Haywood County, TN from the mid 1820s until roughly 1837. It appears from tax records that Eli, Josiah and Richard were in Marshall County by 1837.  I also wonder what records exists for Marshall County, MS for 1836/37 through at least 1860. Deeds for example, court minutes, marriage bonds, estate records, wills, etc., for both these counties could turn up the clues and facts we're after.  Some may be published, but not online. 

I'll be back to you soon.


P.S.  I copied three more people who I know descend from Dicia and who have expressed in the past an interest in knowing more about this family.  I figure "the more, the merrier".  I also think I'd like to move this discussion to the Holt Family Google Group if that is OK with you two.

On 7/9/08, Marc Hall <> wrote:
You both have motivated me to try to make some time this weekend to recover my database file from the non-functioning computer -- but I did pull out the good old paper copies of the files from the Texas General Land Office -- I notice that the postmark on the envelope is from 2003 -- the files include the land patents for two tracts -- one of 160 acres and another of 40 acres -- both in Coryell County -- the land patents are dated 1863 -- but the files also have all the other pieces of paper that include the surveys and the affidavits of occupancy -- Josiah states that he was living on the vacant land when the Act of Appropriation of August 26th 1856 was passed and is living on it still on the date of the affidavit, February 24th, 1857 -- I won't know until I recover my database if I have a better date of settlement in Texas or in Coryell County -- I do know of the older version of the database that I am currently operating from that I found Josiah in Coryell on a census as J. E. Jones
And I had found him on the 1860 census record for Coryell this the following:
J. E. Jones, 49, Farmer, N.C.
Rebecca, 43,,Tenn
Geo. E., 19, Farm L., Miss
Elizabeth F, 16,,Miss
Wm R, 13,,Miss
Darcus R, 10,,Miss
John A., 8, ,Miss
Josiah T., 5,, Texas
John Bone, 25, Farmer, Tenn
Thomas Cromens, 21, Farmer, Miss
So it looks from the children's birth place that they settled in Texas by at least 1855 -- Mary Jane Jones married Thomas Alexander McSpadden in 1856 -- T. A. and Mary Jane had 7 children and my mom's "Nanna" was born in 1865 -- Ella Florence McSpadden -- who married Henry Clifton Bradstreet

Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: Josiah E. & Rebecca Graham Jones

Hi Marc and Clayton,
I am so interested in Dicea Holt's lineage and would love any information you could share with me. I haven't been able to get very far with that line yet. You are welcome to any information I have and if you have questions please let me know.  I have not been able to determine where R. D. was buried and wondered if he left Ms. after Susannah Bogard died and he remarried. I understand that Mt. Zion West Cemetery may have some unreadable gravestones. I found a book at the public library that lists those buried in Marshall County, Ms. cemeteries. I looked for him throughout and couldn't find him. R. D. raised Wm. G.'s children after the Civil War. My grandfather, Wm. E. was one of those children. I didn't know that Josiah moved to Texas. His profession was Dr. on the census as well as Eli. My grandfather was also and he had a strong Texas connection. Several children moved there after they left home. A clue, perhaps. I would love to see your research on Josiah.
Cathy Dempsey
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: Josiah E. & Rebecca Graham Jones

Marc, thanks for your quick response.  Looks like Richard Holt is your 5th great-grandfather.  He's my 4th great.  Richard was born about 1750, probably in Virginia.  He moved to Johnston County, NC in the early 1770s, then on to Montgomery County, NC about 1798 for just a few years, before moving back up to Chatham County very near the Wake County line about 1802.  My goal is to identify all of Richard's children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.  I have most of that accomplished with the branches that stayed in NC.  I'm hoping you can help me with Dicey's family, particularly Josiah's branch since that is your branch.  I need help with Josiah's children...I know little of his family other than I know they moved to Texas and that his son George I believe was killed at Fredericksburg, VA in 1862. To the extent you can help me with Josiah's two brothers, Richard D. and William G., and his sisters, I would much appreciate it also. Richard (R.D.) lived out his life in Marshall County, MS.  William moved to Desha County, Arkansas and unfortunately died in the war (1865).  I have one of their sisters identified, the oldest, but there were at least four other girls, all of whom but the youngest were married or deceased by 1840.

I have copied Cathy Dempsey on this e-mail.  She is a direct descendant of William G. Jones.  She has a lot of information on this branch.

Clayton Mann
Burlington, NC

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Marc Hall <> wrote:
Josiah and Rebecca are my 3rd great Grandfather/mother. I have just recently picked back up on my genealogy research, but unfortunately, my most recent edited file is on a malfunctioning computer. The hard disk is workable, but I haven't done what I need to do to retrieve the file so I had to go back to an older file copy. Most of my research on Josiah and Rebecca is on the other file.
I remember that I had worked my way back through Marshall County, MS and back into North Carolina, but it was several years ago and I can't remember all the details. I also recovered Josiah's land patent from the State of Texas for his homestead, but I am not certain of what other documentation I had recovered. I hope in the next month or so to make time to recover the file and could then give you more detail.
Not long after I started working on Josiah and Rebecca, I was contacted by email by a descendant of Josiah and Rebecca who was living in New Mexico or Arizona so I know there are other descendants than just those of my line through Mary Jane. Hopefully I recorded the contact in my database.
Here is a "snip" of my line from Josiah and Rebecca through my mother and dad:

Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 12:43 AM
Subject: Josiah E. & Rebecca Graham Jones


How do Josiah & Rebecca Jones fit into your family?  Josiah was the oldest son of Elijah "Eli" & Dicia "Dicy" Holt Jones.  Eli was a War of 1812 veteran.  Eli & Dicy moved to Tennessee from Chatham County, NC in the early 1820s, then onto Marshall County, MS about 1837.  Dicy Holt was the daughter of Richard Holt of Chatham County, NC.  I'm a direct descendant of Dicy's older brother George A. Holt who died in Chatham County, NC in 1826.

Do you know what became of some of Mary Jane Jones' siblings?  I believe her brother George E. Jones was killed at Fredricksburg.  I know little else about her brothers and sisters except what I have pulled from censuses.  I know the family ended up in Coryell County, then Bosque County, Texas.

Clayton Mann
Burlington, NC

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