Holts in Court Minutes

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Mar 5, 2007, 2:02:50 PM3/5/07
to Holt Family of Chatham and Wake Counties, NC
Although I do not find Holts mentioned in the early deed indexes, many
must have owned land as they were called to serve on juries. Am I
incorrect in assuming that jurors owned land?

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb 1838: Alsey Holt served on
the Grand Jury
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb 1843: "Alson" Holt served as
a juror

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Aug 1838: Ordered by the Court
that Jordan Holliman be appointed overseer of the Road from Williams
Cross to Haywood Road at Barzillai Mimms; and that the following
hands do work under him to wit: Williams' Cross' hands, John
Pattridge's hands, Mark Woodall, David Mims, Alsa Holt and Ezra

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sesions, Aug 1832: Alsey Holt listed as
guardian for Anderson and Jane Holt

Clayton Mann

Mar 5, 2007, 6:47:58 PM3/5/07
to HoltCha...@googlegroups.com
Yes, I think you are right.  Land ownership was required to be a juror or voter.  What court minutes have you reviewed?  The guardianship of Anderson Holt and Jane Holt should be mentioned at least once (but probably only once) per year starting the year after George Holt died.  That would mean 1827 up until Jane came of age.  Please let me know what years you have reviewed and how thoroughly you have looked at them.  I know sometimes they are not easy to read.  Any mention of other Holts or of the Mann family?


Elizabeth Moye

Mar 5, 2007, 9:48:54 PM3/5/07
to HoltCha...@googlegroups.com
Hi Clayton. I have gone through year by year from about 1800 and am now up
to 1839 and have taken notes on all mention of the Holts. I have not taken
notes on the Manns as my main focus is on the Burns and Harmon families and
I am also tracking the Pettys, Marshes, Stephens and Whites. I am in the
process of transferring these notes into my computer program and will have
more information on the Holts but they do not appear frequently in the
minutes nor do the Manns.

It is interesting to see that the same names come up repeatedly in these
minutes. It appears that a core group of men served on committees and
juries and that other males in the community were overlooked. It has been
puzzling that the Holts are occasionally put on juries as they are not
showing up in the deeds.

A Richard Holt served on a jury in the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
in May 1820. I am not sure if it is Richard Sr. or Jr. but elderly people
do not seem to be put on juries.

This also pertained to Richard Senior:

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May 1823:
Administration of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits
of Richard Holt dec'd granted to George Holt who entered into bond in the
sum of One Thousand Dollars with William Crump and Peter Farrar his
securities and was duly qualified.

Ordered that George Holt administrator of Richard Holt deceased have leave
to sell the perishable estate of said dec'd.

George also showed up in Nov 1818 when he was appointed to a road crew:
James Williams is appointed overseer of the new road from New Hope to
Battle's road and the following hands are to work under him/to wit/Jonathan
Haralson's hands, Janatt [?] Tillman, Richard Johnston, Elisha Davis,
William Davis, Allen Davis, James Davis, Westwood Armestead's hands, Charles
Johnston, Richard Holt, Johnathan Hollaman, George Holt, John Harris & Henry
Mason and that he keep the same in good repair.

I'll send you whatever I find but the minutes have not been very revealing
about the Holts.


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Clayton Mann

Mar 6, 2007, 11:53:47 PM3/6/07
to HoltCha...@googlegroups.com
A cousin of mine on the Mann/Holt side of family sent a note to me in 1993 saying she stumbled on an entry in the NOV-1831 Chatham County Court Minutes that mentioned Nathan, Andrew and Jane Holt in reference to their guardianship.  Did you see these names listed in 1831?  There should be, as I indicated earlier, a yearly statement regarding the guardianship of George Holt's "infant" children.  The minutes of 1842, 1843 and 1844 which were published in 2002/2003 in The North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal mention Jane Holt each year with her guardian, Barzilla S. Mims.  Do you see this sort of entry in the years you have reviewed?

Not sure how Richard & George Holt ended up with the little bit land they had in Chatham County by 1815 when there are no deeds to support the acquisition of the land.

Thanks for digging into the minutes.  I look forward to seeing what you have found.


P.S.  Did you have happen to see the last name Peddy mentioned?  The Peddy family was closed connected to the Holts.

Elizabeth Moye

Mar 7, 2007, 10:46:00 AM3/7/07
to HoltCha...@googlegroups.com
Hi Clayton: Checked my notes and on the Monday Session of the November
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813: Alsa Holt appointed Guardian to
Nathan Holt, Andrew Holt Jane Holt minor orphans and entered into Bond in
the sum of One Hundred dollars with Frederick Rollins and Thomas Ragland
Junr his securities.

I have reviewed the 1843 minutes through a secondary source transcribed by
J. Barnes and will take a look at those notes. I have personally viewed
minutes through May 1839 although the microfilm of the minutes from about
1805-1811 cannot be read. I briefly glanced at the original minutes for
those years during a trip to the Archives and they can be easily read. Of
course, many of the pre 1800 minutes have been transcribed.


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Clayton Mann

Mar 7, 2007, 11:51:51 AM3/7/07
to HoltCha...@googlegroups.com
Beth, you do mean 1831 and not 1813 regarding Alsa (Alsey) Holt being appointed guardian, correct?

Since I don't believe the Holts were in Chatham until about 1812 or 1813, I don't think the minutes before then are likely to reveal much on that family.  Also, it wasn't until later in that decade that Silas Mann and Andrew Peddy first moved over the county line into Chatham, either, so starting in the middle of that decade is when I think any mention of Richard Holt Sr. and Jr. and George Holt,  Andrew Peddy, Silas Mann, or Richard & Charles Johnston might occur.  Is Nathan Holt mentioned more than once?  This 1831 citing is the only time I've ever seen his name mentioned.  He must have been a brother of Anderson Andrew Holt who was born after the 1820 census was taken.  He was forgotten by the Holts who recorded the history I have that has been handed down.


Elizabeth Moye

Mar 7, 2007, 8:53:11 PM3/7/07
to HoltCha...@googlegroups.com
Hi Clayton: Yes, the date should be 1831 and not 1813. I don't recall
seeing any mention of Andrew Peddy to date but could have missed his name as
I have not previously been able to fit him in the Petty families I am
tracing. Don't recall any mention of Silas Mann either but Richard and
Charles Johnson have been showing up regularly to the best of my knowledge.
There are many, many Johnsons in the minutes but I have noticed the name
Richard Johnson as he seemed to be living near the Holts.

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February 1839:
Ordered by the Court that Joseph Johnson be appointed overseer of the road
from Lambeth's Bridge on New Hope to the x Roads at Barzillai Mim's and that
the following hands work under him viz: Daniel Tilman, Ira Tilman, John
Matthews, Eton Lasater, Mrs. Sturdivants hands, John M. Johnson, James
Johnson, Joseph Johnson, David Gardner, Daniel Matthews, Jackson Davis, Thos
Mason, John B. Drake, George Holt.

Jurors to be called for March Superior Court included Thomas Mann
Jurors to be called for May CPQS included Andrew J. Mann, Wesley Mann

Jackson Mann was appointed to a road crew to work on the road from Bloody
Creek to the county line.

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November 1838:
80 acres of land on Shaddox' Creek belonging to Richard Johnston and
adjoining A. Holt was sold for taxes owed in 1836. John Haralson bought the

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May 1838:
Ordered by the Court that Jeptha Holt be appointed overseer of the road
leading fro the forks of the road near Saml. Wilson by James Blanchets to
the road leading from Raleigh to Haywood; and that his own hands, Squire
Holt, Rigdon Holt, Richard Holt, William Mann, Stephen Mann & Daniel Mann
work under him.

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February 1838:
Alsa Holt served on the Grand Jury
George and Jeptha Holt served on juries

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November 1836:
Ordered that James Blanchet be appointed Overseer of the road leading from
the forks of the road near Samuel Wilsons by the said Blanchets to the road
leading from Raleigh to Haywood and that Jeptha Holts hands Squire Holts
Ridgon Holts Richard Holt William Mann Stephen Mann and Daniel Mann work the
said road.

Deed of Trust Between Richard Johnson Harty Lasater and Abner Gunter proved
by Aaron Bryant

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May 1836:
George Holt is appointed Overseer of the Buck Horn Road from Lambeth's
Bridge on New Hope to the Cross Road at Barzilla Mims and that the following
hands work under him, To wit, Daniel Tilman Ira Tilman John Matthews Easton
Lasater Mrs Sturdivants hands John Johnson James Johnson Joseph Johnson
David Garner Daniel Matthews Jackson Davis Thomas Mason and John B Dark.

Looking at the minutes, it is clear that Alsey is not coming to court every
year to give his guardian report on the orphans.


Clayton Mann

Mar 7, 2007, 11:06:09 PM3/7/07
to HoltCha...@googlegroups.com, MannWakeChath...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Beth.  I can tell you've been working hard at this.  Regarding Andrew Peddy, he did not move over to Chatham from Wake until about 1818.  He was a very prominent citizen of southwestern Wake County, and as such I have rarely seen his name written in any records as Pe tty. He is listed very many times in the early records of Wake County. If you come across any Peddys if you review these minutes any further, I can assure you they are all part of his family.

The Johnstons/Johnsons you have found are part of our family.  John Mann Johnston, Joseph Johnston, and James Johnston were sons of Charles and Prudence Mann Johnston.  There are a whole lot of Johnstons & Johnsons in those early Chatham records that are not our family. It can be hard to keep them straight.

Barzilla Mims, born about 1806, died in June of 1879.  He married Willey Mims, granddaughter of Andrew Peddy and daughter of William & Priscilla Peddy Womble.  Squire Holt, Richard Holt III and Rigdon Holt were brothers and the oldest sons of Richard Holt, Jr.  Stephen Mann, Daniel Mann and William Mann were brothers and the sons of Stephen Mann who died in 1815.  It's interesting that these three men always seem to show up together. I have seen Chatham court minutes from 1832 I believe it was where they were also listed for road work.  They appear to have remained very close after their father died so young.  Their only sister (that I am aware of) Gilly Mann married Richard Holt, III.

Andrew Jackson Mann was the son of Isham Mann.  Isham Mann was the son Frederick Mann who I believe was the same Frederick Mann who lived in Northampton County, NC and was likely to be Richard Mann's uncle.  Wesley Mann was the son of Roland Mann.  This was a different Mann family that like the Isham Mann family lived north of Pittsboro.  Thomas Mann could be one of two people.  One was the oldest son of Daniel Mann and nephew of Martin Mann.  He evidently was the only child that did not move with his father and family to Guilford County around 1831.  Or he was the son of William Mann and nephew of Roland Mann.  I'm inclined to think he was the latter since Thomas, son of Daniel, was not born until about 1818 and Thomas, son of William, was born about 1806.

It appears that any interesting court minute records from the 1820s must be few and far between.  Is this true?  No mention of the Holts between 1826 and 1830?  George Holt died in 1826...just wondered if there were any mention of that.

Thanks again,

On 3/7/07, Elizabeth Moye <erm...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Elizabeth Moye

Mar 8, 2007, 3:15:48 PM3/8/07
to HoltCha...@googlegroups.com
Hi Clayton: Thank you for the information on the Manns - I will have to
compare it to what I have in my database.

The Holts do not show up frequently until the late 1830's but there are some
earlier entries. However, I have not reviewed my earlier notes and did not
enter them in the computer as I went along. It is time consuming to
determine "who is who" in many of the early mentions of Pettys and Brantleys
so I decided to keep reviewing the minutes and put off some of the
transcribing into my computer database. (My primary interest is the Burns
family). I am continuing to review the minutes and am working on getting
alll the information from the 1830's in my database.

Something interesting was happening in Chatham in the late 1830's. The
amount of money paid to county employees increased and I am seeing many more
insolvants. I am not well versed enough in American history to know whether
this was a time of economic depression

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August 1839:
Administration De Bonis, now upon the Estate of Thomas Richardson Decd was
granted to Saml P Norris who entered into Bond in the sum of Ten Thousand
Dollars with John Johnson, Barzillai Mims & Alsy Holt as His securities and
was duly qualified. [This is the first time I can recall seeing a Holt give
security of anyone - not sure what the tie is to Norris or Richardson]

Barzillai Mims was appointed guardian to Jane [blank left in the record] who
entered into Bond in the sum of Fifty dollars with Saml P Norris and Alsey
Holt as his securities. Present A G Keen T Lasater & GW Goldston Esqs.

A Deed from Charles Johnston to Joseph Johnston proved by the oath of John M
A Deed from Charles Johnston to John M. Johnston proved by the oath of
Joseph Johnston.

To be summoned for November Term - Alsa Holt, James Johnson

To be summoned for September Superior Court - John A. Johnston, John Johnson

Served as a Grand Juror for August Court - George Holt
Served on the jury - R T Mann

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November 1839:
Served on the Grand Jury: Alsa Holt
Served on the jury: Henry Mann

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February 1840:
Ordered by the Court that Robert Windham be appointed overseer of the road
from the forks of the road near Haw River Bridge at Haywood to the wake line
in the Raleigh road and the following hands work under him To Wit Richard
Holt Sion [?] Brown Julia [?] Birds hands John Hollomans hands, Bennet
Holleman, Willis [?] Bird, Henry Bird, James Spivey & Rich. Faucette &
hands. [part of the page on the left is difficult to read]

Ordered by the Court that Eaton Lasater be appointed overseer of the road
from Lambeth's Bridge on New Hope to the Cross roads at Barzillai Mimms and
that Joseph Johnson (Buckhorn) Danl Tillman Ira Tillman John Matthews Mrs
Stewards [?] Hands John M. Johnson James Johnson David Gardner Daniel
Matthews Jackson Davis Thomas Mason John B Drake George Holt & Joseph
Johnson work under him.

Ordered by the Court that Elbert Partridge be appointed overseer of the road
from Williams Cross: to the Haywood Road at Barzillai Mims and the
following Hands work under him To wit: William Cross' Hands, John
Partridges Hands, Mark Woodall David Mims Alsa Holt Ezra Holliman William
Cotton William Coodwin ----- [cannot read] Rollins Hands & Jordan Holliman.

B S Mimms returned guardian account for Jane Holt.

A paper writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of Richard Holt
decd was produced in open Court and proved by the oath of Stephen Mann and
Jeptha Holt and ordered to be recorded whereupon Saml P. Norris with the
Will annexed [?] and entered into bond in the sum of Four Hundred dollars
with Stephen Mann and Jeptha Holt as his securities and was qualified. [ I
think there is a word ommitted here as I seem to recall seeing the word
administrator which surprised me as they are talking about a will. I will
check the film again tomorrow. I thought Richard Holt died abt 1837? Who
is this Saml Norris?]

State vs. Squire Holt & Manly Mason, defendants found guilt and fined $1
each and committed
[Unfortunately, little data is provided on court cases in the minutes.
Since the plaintiff is the State, it may be a minor criminal matter]


>From: "Clayton Mann" <clayto...@gmail.com>
>Reply-To: HoltCha...@googlegroups.com
>To: HoltCha...@googlegroups.com
>CC: MannWakeChath...@googlegroups.com
>Subject: Re: Holts in Court Minutes

>Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2007 23:06:09 -0500
>Thanks Beth. I can tell you've been working hard at this. Regarding
>Peddy, he did not move over to Chatham from Wake until about 1818. He was
>very prominent citizen of southwestern Wake County, and as such I have

>rarely seen his name written in any records as Petty. He is listed very

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Clayton Mann

Mar 14, 2007, 1:54:15 AM3/14/07
to HoltCha...@googlegroups.com
Thanks again Beth for all this information.  I look forward to seeing the rest of your notes.  Though there is not a lot new and revealing information here, most of the names you have mentioned are identifiable and at least there are none that stand out as unknown family members.  In other words, there is nothing here that confutes our understanding of who were the members of the early Holt & Mann families, et al.

Samuel Norris had a close relationship with the Johnstons in particular, but I am not sure why.  He was hired by Richard's children to take care of Richard Johnston and his wife (Patience Mann) in their old age, and then just Richard after his wife died.  Richard apparently died about 1848.  R. T. Mann must have been Roland Taylor Mann, part of the other Mann family that primarily lived in northern Chatham County.  Henry Mann was almost certainly Roland T. Mann's cousin.  James Spivey was the brother-in-law of Squire, Rigdon, & Richard Holt III.  James married Sintha Holt who was born about 1807 and died after 1880 in Richmond County, NC.  Richard Holt II died 25 December 1837, but for some reason his will was not acted on for more than a year.

I'm going to look more closely at Samuel P. Norris.  Maybe I can learn something about him that will help.


On 3/8/07, Elizabeth Moye <erm...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi Clayton:  Thank you for the information on the Manns - I will have to
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