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Red Alert: Why Don't #PanamaPapers Involve USA, Germany, Canada, Turkey & Israel Yet? Opportunity For #Blockchain #FinTech #InsurTech

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DK Matai

Apr 5, 2016, 3:25:26 AM4/5/16
to Holistic Quantum Relativity (HQR)

Red Alert: Why Don't #PanamaPapers Involve USA, Germany, Canada, Turkey & Israel Yet? Opportunity For #Blockchain #FinTech #InsurTech

1. Although the #PanamaPapers read like the "Who's Who" of world power, note how USA, Germany, Canada, Turkey and Israel have not had a major revelation at
the level of a Politically Exposed Personality (PEP), celebrity or corporation yet.

2. When was the last time a true black swan arrived -- the biggest data leak in history -- causing disruption and chaos from China to India and from Russia
to Europe? Yet, America and Israel, for example, remain unscathed at present.


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