queries about msg command

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Nov 1, 2015, 5:11:16 AM11/1/15
to hoekey
I found the following 3 examples in the original config file
~up=Msg||274|61488        ; win+up: maximize current window
~down=Msg||274|61728    ; win+down: restore current window
~page down=Msg||274|61472    ; win+pgdn: minimize current window

The format seems to be,

This seems to be a very powerful command, I would like very much to get a list of all the available values for Message, wParam and lParam options. Can anybody provide me a link with a table listing out these values?
Edit: I found a list of message list at http://ahkscript.org/docs/misc/SendMessageList.htm. But wParam and lParam seems more elusive. Any help? Thanks.
Also is it possible to toggle between maximize and restore commands using the same hotkey?

Timothy Rice

Nov 4, 2015, 7:48:12 PM11/4/15
to hoekey
This is a pretty low-level feature.  I talked a little about how to figure some of these out here:

There's an infinite number of these as they are application defined.


Nov 5, 2015, 12:13:10 AM11/5/15
to hoekey

This is a pretty low-level feature.  I talked a little about how to figure some of these out here:

There's an infinite number of these as they are application defined.

Yes, I had browsed the post earlier, but had difficulty getting Spy++ software. I had downloaded another supposedly similar utility called winspy++ from http://www.catch22.net/software/winspy-17. But with my peabrain, I could not port your steps to this software. Any chance of another step-by-step tutorial with the winspy++?

Anyway I thought that message, wparam and lparam commands were common throughout the OS and someone might have gathered them as a list somewhere. I didn't knew that they were application based. Now it makes more sense why I couldn't find a list anywhere even after extensive search. Thanks for your patient reply.
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