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hobo g migration is not interactive on Windows 10

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Ed Gomolka

Dec 20, 2016, 4:07:28 PM12/20/16
to Hobo Users
I found a small bug running Hobo on Windows. Hopefully someone can take a look at it.

I normally run Hobo on FreeBSD. My standard development environment is:
  • FreeBSD 10.3 on VirtualBox
  • Hobo 2.2.6
  • Rails
  • JRuby
  • PostgreSQL 9.3
I have a client who would like an app installed in a Windows environment using a SQL Server backend, so I decided to develop the whole thing on my Windows 10 development box, using the SQL Server 2016 database as a backend. These were the only changes from my standard development environment, When I used the command "jruby -S hobo g migration" on Windows 10, I successfully connected to the SQL Server database, but I ran into problems when I attempted to respond to the Hobo migration script:

"What now: [g]enerate migration, generate and [m]igrate now or [c]ancel? ^C"

My input wasn't recognized. I had to use ctrl-C to break out of the script, and the migration script wasn't saved, so I couldn't run Rake to complete the migration.

I am currently working around this issue by accessing the SQL Server database remotely. I have VirtualBox installed on my Windows 10 machine, I have my Hobo app installed on FreeBSD inside VirtualBox, and I have the database configuration pointing to the SQL Server database running on my Windows 10 machine.

As I have a workaround, this is not an urgent issue for me, but it could put off someone in an all-Windows environment who wants to try out Hobo.

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