Updating agility - help needed

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Ignacio Huerta

Mar 7, 2013, 2:32:18 PM3/7/13
to hob...@googlegroups.com

I've been trying to fix a couple of errors in the Agility tutorial. I have:

- Followed the docs in https://github.com/Hobo/agility-gitorial-patches
- Asked Bryan for help in IM (thanks a lot!)
- Downgraded Git to 1.6.1 (compiled from source) to get "stg export" working

The problem I am facing now is that just importing and exporting the
gitorial provokes changes in some of the patches (before editing the
gitorial at all!). For example, look at this diff:


This problem might be related to some errors during the import process:

error: patch failed: test/unit/user_test.rb:3
Applying patch test/unit/user_test.rb with 1 rejects...
Rejected hunk #1.
stg import: Diff does not apply cleanly

When this happens, I run the import again and the error disappears, but
it looks like something is broken.

Any idea of where to continue?


Offtopic: From my point of view, the stacked git workflow is a bit hard
for newcomers. What do you think about dividing the Agility tutorial
into several micro-tutorials in markdown format?

- Instead of creating one big app (Agility), we would use small apps to
illustrate one Hobo feature.
- The micro-tutorials could be easily edited with the "edit this file" link.
- We could have one repository for each tutorial with the working code.

I'm not really sure, it might mean more work to maintain on the long run.


Ignacio Huerta Arteche
Tel�fono: 0034 645 70 77 35
Email realizado con software libre


Mar 7, 2013, 3:20:54 PM3/7/13
to hob...@googlegroups.com
I agree that for someone new, tripping over Git issues might discourage them.

I think the more micro-tutorials. the better, but also having them build on each other would be useful.

Tel�fono: 0034 645 70 77 35

Bryan Larsen

Mar 7, 2013, 3:38:43 PM3/7/13
to hob...@googlegroups.com
The idea of storing the agility gitorial as a series of git commits
was hugely helpful when porting from 1.0 to 1.3 to 2.0. It gives the
ability to easily verify that there are no typos in the code, that
it's a working program at every step.

We don't necessarily have to use stacked git, though.

If it's easier for you, you can clone
https://github.com/Hobo/agility-gitorial and then use normal git
commands to "change history" and then force push to your clone. From
there it shouldn't be hard for me to push it back into hobocentral.

One thing that might be problematic is the empty commits, the commits
that are explanatory texts only, that don't modify any files.
They're the reason you had to downgrade to git 1.6. They should be
merged into commits that do modify files so that things work with
modern versions of git.

changing history requires a little bit more advanced git knowledge
than normal git usage: git rebase and git commit --amend will be your
tools of choice, I imagine. But you're familiar with those it might
be easier than learning a new tool.

As far as making it into a series of smaller tutorials, that's a lot
of work to update something that's mostly working, but I'm not opposed
to a volunteer picking it up...

If all you're after is splitting the tutorial into smaller pages,
that's a capability the system does have. See the OUTPUT_FILE
directive at the top of
for an example.

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Ignacio Huerta

Mar 8, 2013, 1:18:08 AM3/8/13
to hob...@googlegroups.com, Bryan Larsen
Thanks for the answers,

I'm going to give it another try with these steps:

- Remove the empty commits problem so it works with current git versions.
- Try to get the patches to a state where they import and export nicely,
without weird errors.
- Update the agility tutorial to fix the details stated in the Disqus
- Make a pull request.

And as extras:
- Enable syntax highlighting in Agility.
- Divide the Agility tutorial into several pages. As Owen suggested,
this way they would look like microtutorials building on each other, and
we don't have to rework a lot. I foresee some links saying something
like "Go to previous chapter: Filtering by status".

Step by step :). Thanks again for your support.


El 07/03/13 21:38, Bryan Larsen escribi�:
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Ignacio Huerta Arteche
Tel�fono: 0034 645 70 77 35
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