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Subtitles in VLC Streamer – request for enlightenment or new feature

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Captain Haddock

Aug 15, 2023, 9:23:12 AM8/15/23
to Hobbyist Software Forum
I've searched the Help and this forum and can't find a mention of this, but apologies if my query has already been covered somewhere and I've missed it.

In VLC Streamer there appears to be no way of toggling subtitles on and off on the fly.  As I understand it, one either has to set the preferences – subtitles on or off – in the desktop app before adding a file to encode; or, if initiating a stream from the iOS app, by choosing to include them – or not – before initiating the stream.  (I don't have any Android devices so can't speak to what happens there.)

With many shows nowadays the vocals are hard to hear in places and I frequently find myself wanting to turn subtitles on for particular scenes, but then turn them off again once the difficult section has passed, as they're distracting and the written words often anticipate the actors' utterances and thus spoil the drama.  It would be super-useful if there was a way to switch them on and off at will during the video!

As far as I can tell the only way currently to achieve this is to note the timecode, stop the video, delete the video, set up a new encode with the desired subtitle state, then scrub ahead to resume where one left off.  

But perhaps I'm being dumb and have missed a trick somewhere?

I'm using version 5.25 of the Mac desktop app, and 6.22.0 (205) of the iOS app..

I use both VLC Streamer and VLC Remote and I can't believe how useful and reliable they both are – 99% of the time they both "just work", without configuration issues or fuss.  Many thanks for such great, useful software!
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