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HNN Mailing List

Welcome to the mailing list for the Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN). Here we will occasionally post software-related updates and information on upcoming events and workshops. These notices may include information on upcoming features, new releases, and other pertinent information for our users. 

Please click the 'Contact owners and mangers' button at the top of the page to be added to our mailing list and to receive all the latest updates.

HNN Website

On the HNN website, you will find tutorials on how to use the software and guides to help you understand the underlying circuit mechanisms.

Github Discussions
The HNN discussion board is the best place to ask questions about the science behind HNN, how to use the software, and how to join our community of contributors.

Issue Tracker

Visit our GitHub Issues page if you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature that should be added to HNN. 


HNN is being developed primarily by the Jones lab at Brown University, in collaboration with Yale University and Massachusetts General Hospital. HNN is funded by NIH BRAIN NIBIB R01 EB022889-02 (PI: Stephanie Jones; Co-PIs: Michael Hines and Matti Hamalainen), NIMH R01 MH106147, Carney Institute for Brain Science, and Providence VA CfNN.