catching up

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Zishan Ahmad

Oct 6, 2012, 11:56:57 PM10/6/12
Greetings and salutations!

It's been a while since I've seen many, or any, of you guys.  I'll actually be in town 10/8 - 10/10 during Chicago Ideas Week for the Startup America summit - as part of Startup CT.  The schedule seems pretty tight, but let me know if you guys are available to meet up somewhere.  Perhaps time for another HN meetup? ;)

The past 3 years have been a little whirlwind for me. I went from being oblivious to any semblance of tech community in Chicago in 2008 to doing my darndest to help build it out in 2009 to falling off the grid in 2010. My apologies for the disappearing act.

In short, I took on more than I should have and burned out. In fact, my own startup failed to impress or progress in the allocated time, and having burned through my savings and "unemployed", my house went into foreclosure at which point my wife was like, ok dear, that's enough. lol

So I sold out and took the highest paying job I could muster at the time at a brokerage in Greenwich, CT and have recovered nicely.  Now I figure it's about time to do it again, but better. :)

So this time the startup is an enterprise play. Aw yeah.

See you guys next week.


p.s. "Chicago Tech Scene" was a labor of love and has been sitting there w/ pretty good SEO (first page google), 2K+ twitter followers and still getting press passes and interview requests. Any one interested in giving it new life?

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