Android Dev Fee Philosophy

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Fred Grott

Jun 14, 2012, 12:56:51 AM6/14/12
to hn-chicago
Hello, everyone while I finish hacking up Doclava( I got embedding
docs working now forking it over to have it use twitterbootstrap) I
guess I should explain my Android Dev Fee Philosophy.

My Fee concept is that at least for start-ups it should be based on
some cash up front with the bulk Freelance rate 'awarded' if the
android app prototype results in a VC/Angel funding event. To m that
is a reasonable bet that aligns my interests with the start-ups and
does not short-change either the developer or the start-up.

But, the difference is also felt on implementation as I will only
choose to do it as we are talking about close to 1000 hours for 3
months if start-up allows me to do fast iterations according to
LeanStart-upPrinciples. This generally means that I will pick groups
of stand-ins that stand in for new users or potential users, at times
they may be VCs/Angels due to the large number of VCs/Angels in my
contact list that want to see and try mobile demos.That also means
that by-accident those same VCs trying the demos give us the advice of
what to change to get awarded that VC funding event.

That might at times mean that prototype might pivot due to VC input in
how it implements the business idea/business model. If you are the
start-up founder that can check the go at-the-door and accept fast
massive change, than you are probably might be what I am seeking as
far as what it takes to get to the VC funding event.

The old term or sentence that explained this that you might have heard is:

'I work for the end users, the start-up is just temporarily leasing me'..

It means I want that mobile app as desirable as possible to potential
new users and that is the group of people I work for despite the
start-up paying me.

If you are a start-up with seed capital to pay for an android
application prototype this is probably what you want a developer
focused on getting that VC funding event and their interests aligned
with getting that funding event through a killer demo that is an
android app prototype desired by potential new user to use and

This is why I have a-meet-me-and-pay-for-my-meal requirement because
over several hours of conversation I have to find out if you are the
start-up founder that accepts rapid change and can check their
ego-at-door for the mission-at-hand. I only know how to determine that
via a real-in-life physical meeting that covers several hours of
questions I pose and email tends to not work in determining that set
of issues.

Fred Grott
Android Developer
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