Google Is Watching You....

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Feb 7, 2018, 11:07:38 PM2/7/18
to HMS Overflow
I've often commented in the past, both here and over on the SJGames forum, about my view that the IT industry has gone seriously off the rails on multiple levels.  In one sense this is just more of the same, but I do think Google, in particular, has a problem with this particular sort of creepiness:

It's partly money-driven, the users of free Internet services like Google are the product, not the customer.  Gathering information on them to sell to others or use to target advertising is Google's reason to exist.

(Note the irony of this discussion happening on a Google-owned service...)

But it's also, IMHO, partly rooted in the social culture of Silicon Valley.

Warren Ellis

Feb 10, 2018, 10:05:27 PM2/10/18
to HMS Overflow
Well it's more like Google has two social cultures. The social culture they promote is that they're open, friendly, transparent, and so on. That they don't do evil or something like that.

They're actual social culture, despite some "progressive" elements to it, is actually very similar to that of older monopolies. Especially with moaning about how people are getting pissed at them and why don't people like monopolies like them or Apple or whoever else is preening about his/her so-called company culture in Silicon Valley.

A lot of these Internet giants like to promote this image that they're very friendly and all but you dig a little and you find their owners are often pretty nasty.

Look at Mark Zuckerburg and Facebook. Facebook puts out this image of being friendly and open while Zuckerberg does stuff like buy an entire island in Hawaii and force all other landowners on it off so he can build a very private house for his family (I can't quite remember if it was a vacation home or not.)
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