Madness on the left...

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Oct 21, 2017, 1:06:14 AM10/21/17
to HMS Overflow
I've commented before that a portion of the political faction loosely known as 'the Left' is showing signs of fanaticism and obsessive madness.  Specifically, it's the upper class, mostly-but-not-all-white 'limousine liberals', the 'lawyers and feminists', whatever you want to call them.  It started to emerge years ago, but since Trump won it's reached critical mass.

For an example of what I'm talking about, consider that a Harvard lawyer is spending serious time pondering how Hillary Clinton could still become President in this term.

The process goes as follows:

1.  At some point Mueller (or someone) finds solid evidence the Trump colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary in a way that actually, demonstrably changed the outcome.

2.  Trump is then forced to resign or impeached and removed.

3.  Vice-president Pence becomes President.

4.  Vice-president Pence, in light of his own moral illegitimacy as the veep of a President who cheated Hillary, resigned or is impeached for refusing to resign.

5.  Under the U.S. Constitution, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan then becomes President.

6.  Paul Ryan must then appoint a new veep, subject to Congressional confirmation.

7.  Paul Ryan then resigns, enabling Hillary Clinton to assume her rightful place as President of the United States.

8.  Hillary then magnanimously appoints Paul Ryan as her veep, uniting the nation behind a mixed party ticket.


The craziest part about this is not the sequence of events, it's that he seems to think we should dwell on this because maybe, just maybe, maybe, maybe it could happen...he admits to 'improbability', in fact it's maybe a 0.0005% chance.  He'd do better dwelling on the chances of aliens from Zontar V arriving in the next 3.5 years.

There's no evidence at all that there's anything to the Russian/Trump collusion story in the first place.  If there was, nobody's proposed a mechanism by which such collusion could actually affect the outcome.  If both were demonstrated, you would still have to convince enough of the public that impeachment was called for in order for Congress to risk it.

Assuming they did it, the assumption appears to be that Pence resigns because Reasons.  In fact he would have no motive to resign, and the GOP in Congress would have no motive to impeach him, unless the public pressed for it, and the half the public that considers Hillary Clinton a waking nightmare would have no motive to so press.  For that matter, a lot of Democrats are quietly sick and tired of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Dynasty.  They might well prefer to run against a President Pence in 2020.

Assuming Pence resigns/is removed for Reasons, Paul Ryan must then decide to resign.  His motive for doing so is ???????

He's finally President, something not likely to happen any other way any time soon, he's in a position to fulfill all kinds of Chamber of Commerce priorities, impeachment would require either GOP buy-in (unlikely without massive pressure from GOP voters, which is unlikely if they think the result if President Hillary), or a Democratic sweep of Congress that wouldn't by any means be a sure thing.

Assuming he is foolish enough to pick Hillary as his veep, she then has to get Congressional approval as veep, and then Paul Ryan resigns in her favor because Reasons, and Hillary picks Paul Ryan in return as veep and the nation, wait, that's not what would happen.

Hillary would not pick Ryan, it wouldn't be in her personal interest and it would turn the entire Democratic Party against her while giving the GOP motive to impeach.  If Ryan gave up the Presidency to Hillary in return for veepness, the entire GOP voting base would see him as a traitor to the party and in many cases to the country.  His political career would be dead.  Gone,  Finis.

So is the author disconnected from reality, or in denial of it?

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