Hi, I thought I posted this before but it didn't show up so maybe it got spam filtered?
Has there been any consideration to adding support for allowing entries on a single line, where for example a delimiter character acts as a newline would in a normal entry?
For example,
2023/05/06 Dinner
Asset:Bank -$15.30
could be written as
2023/05/06 Dinner | Asset:Bank -$15.30 | Expense:Food
which has the advantage of allowing easy columnar entries with numbers aligned
2023/05/04 Dinner | Asset:Bank -$12.10 | Expense:Food
2023/05/05 Dinner | Asset:Bank -$18.22 | Expense:Food
2023/05/06 Dinner | Asset:Bank -$15.30 | Expense:Food
Obviously, this can be done w/ a pre-processor (just regex replace the delimiter with newlines + indentation) but doing it within hledger would preserve line numbers in error messages, etc. This whole thing started w/ me thinking about u sing a pre-processor for ledger like m4 and realizing that 90% of my needs would be met by these single-line entries + good use of vim. The real value is all about keeping columns of numbers in like-entries aligned.