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How can I amend rules for processing a PayPal csv import file that contains currency-conversion records such as to enable clearer balance reports?

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Charles Ambrose

Dec 21, 2024, 11:02:06 AM12/21/24
to hledger
I have a csv import file (x.csv) downloaded from PayPal from which I generate a journal (x.journal) using a rules file (x.csv.rules, a is slightly amended version of the rules file given in the documentation):

❯ hledger -f x.csv print > x.journal

--- snip : start ---
2024-08-07 General card deposit for RefTxnID_001  ; transactionid:Trans_ID_001 fromemail:, type:General card deposit, bankname:ABC BANK AUSTRALIA LIMITED, bankaccount:9406, invoiceid:Inv_ID_001
    assets:online:paypal                   $88.55 = $88.55
    assets:current:cja:ABC:123456         $-88.55

2024-08-07  ; transactionid:Trans_ID_002 fromemail:, type:General currency conversion, bankname:, bankaccount:, invoiceid:Inv_ID_001
    assets:online:paypal               $-88.55 = $0.00
    equity:currency conversion          $88.55

2024-08-07 DNS Inc.  ; transactionid:RefTxnID_001 fromemail:xyz@zxy, type:Pre-approved payment, bankname:, bankaccount:, invoiceid:Inv_ID_001
    assets:online:paypal        USD-55.00 = USD-55.00
    expenses:internet:dns        USD55.00

2024-08-07  ; transactionid:Trans_ID_003 fromemail:, type:General currency conversion, bankname:, bankaccount:, invoiceid:Inv_ID_001
    assets:online:paypal              USD55.00 = USD0.00
    equity:currency conversion       USD-55.00
--- snip : stop ---

I read this as follows:

  1. AUD88.55 is transferred from account ABC:123456 -> online:payal
  2. AUD88.55 is converted to USD55.00 (paypal -> currency conversion)
  3. USD55.00 is used to pay for the DNS subscription (=transfer from currency conversion -> expenses:internet:dns

If I run a balance report on the journal file I get:

--- snip : start ---
❯ hledger -f x.journal bal
             $-88.55  assets:current:cja:ABC:123456
           USD-55.00  equity:currency conversion
            USD55.00  expenses:internet:dns
--- snip : stop ---

It is not clear from the report that the $88.55 is what got used to pay for the DNS subscription (expenses:internet:dns)

I can manually edit x.journal as follows...

    expenses:internet:dns        USD55.00 ->
    equity:currency:conversion        USD55.00

    equity:currency conversion          $88.55 ->
    expenses:internet:dns          $88.55

# ... and then re-run balance report to get ...

❯ hledger -f x.journal bal
             $-88.55  assets:current:cja:ABC:123456
              $88.55  expenses:internet:dns

... which makes clear that AUD88.55 was used to purchase the DNS subscription.

How can I edit my rules file to achieve a similar end-result?

The most pertinent existing rules are:
--- snip : start ---
if Currency Conversion
 account2 equity:currency conversion
%description_ ^DNS Inc.$
  account2 expenses:internet:dns
--- snip : stop ---


# --- x.csv:
"Date","Time","Time Zone","Description","Currency","Gross","Fee","Net","Balance","Transaction ID","From email","Name","Bank Name","Bank Account","Shipping and handling amount","GST","Invoice ID","Reference Txn ID"
"7/08/2024","14:05:19","Australia/Sydney","General card deposit","AUD","88.55","0.00","88.55","88.55","Trans_ID_001","","","ABC BANK AUSTRALIA LIMITED","9406","0.00","0.00","Inv_ID_001","RefTxnID_001"
"7/08/2024","14:05:19","Australia/Sydney","General currency conversion","AUD","-88.55","0.00","-88.55","0.00","Trans_ID_002","","","","","0.00","0.00","Inv_ID_001","RefTxnID_001"
"7/08/2024","14:05:19","Australia/Sydney","Pre-approved payment","USD","-55.00","0.00","-55.00","-55.00","RefTxnID_001","xyz@zxy","DNS Inc.","","","0.00","0.00","Inv_ID_001","RefTxnID_002"
"7/08/2024","14:05:19","Australia/Sydney","General currency conversion","USD","55.00","0.00","55.00","0.00","Trans_ID_003","","","","","0.00","0.00","Inv_ID_001","RefTxnID_001"

# --- x.csv.rules
# "Date","Time","Time Zone","Description","Currency","Gross","Fee","Net","Balance","Transaction ID","From email","Name","Bank Name","Bank Account","Shipping and handling amount","GST","Invoice ID","Reference Txn ID"

fields date, time, timezone, type, currency, grossamount, feeamount, netamount, balance, transactionid, fromemail, description_, bankname, bankaccount, shipping_and_handling_amount, gst, invoiceid, referencetxnid

skip  1

date-format  %-d/%-m/%Y

# ignore some paypal events
%type ^In Progress$
%type ^Temporary Hold$
%type ^Update to$

description %description_  

# save some other fields as tags
comment  transactionid:%transactionid fromemail:%fromemail, time:%time, type:%type, bankname:%bankname, bankaccount:%bankaccount, invoiceid:%invoiceid

# convert to short currency symbols
if %currency AUD
 currency $
if %currency EUR
 currency E
if %currency GBP
 currency P

# generate postings

# the first posting will be the money leaving/entering my paypal account
# (negative means leaving my account, in all amount fields)
account1 assets:online:paypal
amount1  %netamount

# the second posting will be money sent to/received from other party
# (account2 is set below)
amount2  -%grossamount

# if there's a fee, add a third posting for the money taken by paypal.
if %feeamount [1-9]
 account3 expenses:banking:paypal
 amount3  -%feeamount
 comment3 business:

# choose an account for the second posting

# override the default account names:
# if the amount is positive, it's income (a debit)
if %grossamount ^[^-]
 account2 income:unknown
# if negative, it's an expense (a credit)
if %grossamount ^-
 account2 expenses:unknown

# apply common rules for setting account2 & other tweaks

# --- inlined x-common.rules : start
%description_ NETFLIX
  account2 expenses:internet:netflix

%description_ ^DNS Inc.$
  account2 expenses:internet:dns

# --- inlined x-common.rules  : stop

# Transfers from/to bank.
General card deposit
 description %type for %referencetxnid
 account2 assets:current:cja:ABC:123456
 account1 assets:online:paypal

# Currency conversions
if Currency Conversion
 account2 equity:currency conversion

%type ^General hold$
%type ^General hold release$
  account2 equity:hold-holdrelease

Charles Ambrose

Dec 25, 2024, 7:27:49 PM12/25/24
to hledger
Having 2 records for a currency conversion -- such as PayPal provides -- makes it difficult to infer costs. Prepending a P directive to the journal enables currency conversion to be done.

In my case, I prepended the following line to x.journal ...

P 2024-08-07 USD $1.61000

Then balance reports can be got (in $ or USD) using value reporting (as specified in the manual) ...

❯ hledger -f x.journal bal -X $
           $-88.5500  assets:current:cja:ABC:123456
            $88.5500  expenses:internet:dns
❯ hledger -f x.journal bal -X USD
           USD-55.00  assets:current:cja:ABC:123456

            USD55.00  expenses:internet:dns

Sorry, my query was a bit premature; I should have read the documentation more thoroughly before posting.

Regards, --Charlie

Simon Michael

Dec 27, 2024, 10:23:18 PM12/27/24
to Charles Ambrose,
Hi.. I didn't follow in full detail, but I think I know roughly what you mean. I am generating similar entries from paypal.
I see you figured out how to get a conversion to base currency by using a market price and -X (--value). A possible downside of this, is that it doesn't affect only that transaction.

To get --infer-costs and -B/--cost working, you have to transform the separate entries like this:

2024-11-27 * T0200 for 7BD00532J84076538
    assets:online:paypal        € -37.61
    equity:conversion            € 37.61

2024-11-27 * T0200 for 7BD00532J84076538
    assets:online:paypal         $ 38.03
    equity:conversion           $ -38.03

to a single one like this (equity postings together; base currency last, per

2024-11-27 * T0200 for 7BD00532J84076538
    assets:online:paypal        € -37.61
    equity:conversion            € 37.61
    equity:conversion           $ -38.03
    assets:online:paypal         $ 38.03

I don't think it can be automated with current CSV rules.

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